iranian military exemption card

Original and photocopy of the Certificate of Completion of Military Service or Exemption from Service, or filling out Form#104 for granting permission to exit once . "Iran's Basij: Membership in a Militant Islamist Organization." 2014], Human Rights Watch. [Accessed 20 Mar. ; US 26 Feb. 2014). The IHRDC says that "physicians charged with administering these evaluations likely recommended that these individuals seek exemption on the basis of transsexuality, not homosexuality, because of the Iranian government's more lenient attitude towards the former in contrast to the latter" (7 Nov. 2013). General Kamali, the chief conscription officer of the armed forces, stated 19 December 2013 that "many exemptions, deductions and options to pay to avoid military service will be removed" in the "following year". With respect to educational exemptions, Chapter 4, Article 33 states that, [Accessed 25 Mar. The following dependents of a T-1 visa holder, however, may be issued a T visa at a U.S. consular office abroad: The validity of NATO-5 visas may not exceed the period of validity of the employment contract or 12 months, whichever is less. Those who due to weak disposition, growth deficiency or suffering from physical or mental illnesses are temporarily not capable of serving for the mandatory period. I have never served in Iranian military and I have no exemption card or military card and even no Iranian passport/ nationality anymore. Discrimination and Violence Against Sexual Minorities in Iran. Under the amended law, men of draft age were subject to conscription, whether in war or peace, for a minimum period of two years and could be recalled as needed. Validity Period: This generally means the visa is valid, or can be used, from the date it is issued until the date it expires, for travel with that visa. According to the Iranian Islamic Public Military Service Act, these include educational exemptions, medical exemptions and guardianship exemptions. The death certificate issued by the physician, hospital, or cemetery official; or the presence of two witnesses before the relevant civil registration office. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Comments:The national ID card is not accepted in lieu of the Birth Certificate document. Sina Azodi and Mohsen Solhdoost. [Accessed 20 Mar. Sources state that, the recruitment age of the Basij Forces ["a paramilitary volunteer militia" (Al Jazeera 24 Apr. Iranian / Dutch B2 tourist visa refused because of no military card Document Name:Kart-e Shenasayi-e Melli; or Kart-e Melli (National Card), Issuing Authority:National Organization for Civil Registration. The new digital version contains the individual's national ID number (also found on the right-hand side of the passport biodata page) and a bar code. In 2007 the Basij had about 300,000 personnel, including 40,000 active personnel; they were authorized to carry small arms only. 1- They must have been exited the country before 1382/12/29. The BBC reports that, according to Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA), General Musa Kamali, the Vice Commander of the Headquarters for Human Resources of the Iranian Armed Forces, was quoted as saying that "the duration of military service is 18 months in combat and in insecure regions, 19 months in the regions which are deprived of facilities and have bad weather conditions, 21 months in other places, and 24 months in government offices" ( 26 Dec. 2013). This means a temporary marriage would not disqualify an alien from a K-1 fianc (e) visa and would not be considered a marriage for determining whether an alien meets the definition of child (under 21 and unmarried). Every year about 580,000 men reach conscription age of 18 years for compulsory military service; 16 years of age for volunteers; 17 years of age for Law Enforcement Forces; 15 years of age for Basij Forces (Popular Mobilization Army). The original version of this document may be found on the offical website of the IRB at, Last Updated: Tuesday, 28 February 2023, 15:25 GMT, 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Iran : information sur le service militaire, y compris sur l'ge du recrutement, la dure du service, les motifs d'exemption, la possibilit d'effectuer un service de remplacement et le traitement rserv par les autorits aux personnes qui refusent de faire leur service militaire; information indiquant si des sanctions sont imposes aux objecteurs de conscience, Military service / Conscientious objection / Desertion / Draft evasion / Forced conscription, Persecution on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. The officer seemed relieved to hear that my twenty-one months of compulsory service was in the Artesh or regular armed forces. Renewals of old birth certificates or replacements of lost birth certificates are available by applying in person at the registry office. Iranian subjects who live abroad in case of having the following conditions, by paying 10 million Toman can benefit from military services exemption against cash payment. Similarly, Al-Monitor reports that, according to General Kamali, "reduced-time exemptions are still applicable for those who entered military service this Iranian calendar year, which ends March 2014" (19 Dec. 2013). Except as noted below, the number of entries, fees and validity for non-Canadian or non-Mexican family members of a TN status holder seeking TD visas should be based on the reciprocity schedule of the TN principal alien. Human Rights Watch reports that "several individuals who had received exemptions based on their sexual orientation" faced discrimination in employment, "because their identification cards stated the reasons for their exemption as 'behavioural disorders' such as 'sexual deviancy'" (Dec. 2010, 24). 2.3 Postponed Service and Reduced Service. According to the IHRDC, "in general males are expected to serve for a period of 20 months" and "[f]or service in impoverished areas, the duration can last 24 months while service in boundary areas can last 22 months" (7 Nov. 2013). In 1984 the Majlis passed a new Military Act that amended conscription laws to reduce the high number of draft dodgers. G-1, G-2, and G-3 visa applicants must submit their applications to either U.S. Embassy Bern or U.S. Embassy Vienna. The conscript military service obligation is 18-24 months. Presently, military service lasts generally 18 months, but there are shorter terms for college graduates. Sales Tax Exemption - United States Department of State What is the general policy for people who wish to obtain visas to come to the United States (U.S.)? . . Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran 2014], Middle East Journal. A copy of the military regulations governing medical exemptions in Iran could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. How to obtain an Iranian military exemption - Quora The birth certificate booklet and national identification card of the deceased (if available); The birth certificate of the deceaseds spouse (if applicable); and. [Accessed 25 Mar. Special Seal(s) / Color / Format:Booklet Old versions have a red/burgundy cover, handwritten biodata, and manual signatures and stamps. Sources report on various non-health related circumstances that could lead to an exemption of military service, including: being the only son of the family (IHRDC 7 Nov. 2014). Under the pre-revolutionary law, temporary or permanent exemptions were provided for the physically disabled, hardship cases, convicted felons, students, and certain professions. ! Country of Origin Information Report. Arash Karami. 2012), while the US CIA World Factbook states that volunteers start at 16 (US 26 Feb. 2014). [Accessed 13 Mar. Links to external websites are provided as a convenience and should not be construed as an endorsement by the U.S. Department of State of the views or products contained therein. I waited for two long hours until several officers arrived from the Artesh (regular military), Iranian Ground Forces, Air Force (IRIAF), Law Enforcement Forces (Prisons Branch), and Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Navy (IRGC-N). Those living outside of Iran may apply for the card by submitting a special form to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This reflected the country-wide illiteracy rate, which stood at 60 percent in 1979. 18 March 2014. "Iran May Increase Compulsory Military Service by Three Months." "Shamsi to Gregorian Converter." 2014], Al-Monitor. I am wondering if the military record is a requirement docume. Under 8 CFR 214.2, H-2A and H-2B petitions may generally only be approved for nationals of countries that the Secretary of Homeland Security has designated as participating countries. Iran has a compulsory military service requirement for all Iranian men when they reach the age of 19. Alireza Fazeli Monfared, 20, was executed after they discovered a letter saying he had been exempted from the military service due to his sexuality, according to 6Rang. Newspapers had carried reports of people caught trying to buy their way out of military service, at an unofficial figure of about US$8,000 for forged exemption documents. Individuals who have a handicap or suffer from a certain illness and are thus not in a complete state of health, however yet well capable of carrying out non-combat/military-related services in offices. [Accessed 25 Mar. Iran - Military Conscription "Medical and Health-related Exemptions." DOC Official Translation - N.d.b. UkraineAlert sources analysis and commentary from a wide-array of thought-leaders, politicians, experts, and activists from Ukraine and the global community. (for almost 10 years) During the interview I was asked about my military card or exemption and I explained that I do not have because I did not even serve in the military ! 2014], _____. Two witnesses are required. Failing to serve without an exemption can also result in a ban on leaving the country without special permission. Temporary marriages cannot be used to confer immigration benefits and do not substantiate eligibility for either marriage-based immigrant visa classes or for derivative status of any visa class. Lawyers, for example, may work as the equivalent of a US military judge advocate general, investigating crimes committed by service members. (Photo by Morteza Nikoubazl/NurPhoto). 30 June 2013. Comments:The booklet includes the individuals name and surname; place and date of birth; gender; unique ID number; parents names and places of birth; date and place of issuance; and identifying information of the individuals spouses and children. Draft evaders were subject to arrest, trial before a military court, and imprisonment for a maximum of two years after serving the required two years of active duty. U.S. DEPARTMENT of STATE BUREAU of CONSULAR AFFAIRS. A 2013 UK Home Office Country of Origin Information Report indicates that, according to a translation of the website of the Iranian Embassy in the UK, the only male child must be over the age of 18 and his father must be over the age of 60 (UK 26 Sept. 2013, 56); being "the sole caretaker of a parent, a minor or ill sibling or ill grandparents" (IHRDC 7 Nov. 2014) or, according to Al-Monitor, only children caring for parents (19 Dec. 2013); being "a man who has demonstrated exceptional scholastic achievement" (IHRDC 7 Nov. 2014); Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) states that members of the Basij are exempt from military service (19 June 2009), while an article in the Middle East Journal indicates that this is a "possibility" if they are active in the Basij for 5 years or more (30 June 2013); "those who work in industries vital to the government or military" may also be exempt, according to Al-Monitor (19 Dec. 2013). are an Iranian national with a valid Iranian passport, and. The 1955 U.S.-Iran Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations, and Consular Rights is now terminated. Special Seal(s) / Color / Format:The card contains a full-face photo (left-aligned), and biodata (right-aligned), including the unique national ID number (different from shenasnameh number), given name, surname, date of birth (Persian calendar), fathers given name, and expiration date. Therefore, all Mexican "TN"s and both Mexican and non-Mexican national "TD"s accompanying or following to join them who are not otherwise exempt from the visa requirement (e.g., the Canadian spouse of a Mexican national "TN") must obtain nonimmigrant visas. This effectively barred any Iranian who had served in the IRGCconscript or otherwisefrom entering the United States. Clean record certificates can be obtained in Iran or from Iranian Embassies and Consulates, and the physical appearance of the certificate changes significantly depending on which authority issued it. They are also often mistreated by officers. The estimated force level of the regular army increased from 325,000 in 2001 to 350,000 in 2007, a level which continued throught 2019. 2) Exemption from military service is available on several grounds. According to the US CIA World Factbook, recruitment age for the Law Enforcement Forces is 17 (ibid.). 2012)] is 15 (ibid. Gay Iranian Man Murdered by Family on Being 'Outed' by Military Service Embassy in the Hague. Alternate Documents: For mass exemptions, a copy of the exemption announcement and the birth certificate (proof of their condition) can be provided in lieu of exemption card. Iran's 1986 population of approximately 48.2 million (including approximately 2.6 million refugees) gave the armed forces a large pool from which to fill its manpower needs, despite the existence of rival irregular forces. [Accessed 25 Mar. Registration Criteria: Iranian citizenship, completed application form with photos, and payment of fees. Iran does not recognize the Bahai'i faith as a minority religion, thus the documentation of such marriages differs from Islamic marriages or marriages of other religious minorities. Corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. I was a 19-year-old high school graduate when I was ordered to report at 4 am to the headquarters of the Law Enforcement Department of the Draft in downtown Tehran. 2014], _____. By Tehran's forces had more combat experience in mobile conventional warfare than their Gulf Arab rivals, but that experience was rapidly aging. I have no Iranian passport and nationality anymore. Mexican nationals are not visa-exempt. 26 February 2014. In addition, an applicant is eligible for an exemption from the MRV fee if he or she is participating in a State Department, USAID, or other federally funded educational and cultural exchange program (program serial numbers G-1, G-2, G-3 and G-7). Absence without leave for more than 15 days without a valid reason is punishable by six months' to two years' imprisonment and/or 12 months extension of military service. The spouse and children of an E-1 or E-2 principal alien are accorded derivative E-1 or E-2 status following the reciprocity schedule, including any reciprocity fees, of the principle aliens country of nationality. Denying so many young men the chance to pursue their dreams for crimes they didnt commit deprives the United States of their potential contribution and is at odds with the ideals on which the United States was founded. 9. Q-2 (principal) and Q-3 (dependent) visa categories are in existence as a result of the 'Irish Peace Process Cultural and Training Program Act of 1998'. FAQs for Iranian Applicants - U.S. Virtual Embassy Iran : 2161 (Iran n.d.a). Corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. Expansion and Clarification of Export Controls Targeting Russia and Belarus. "Programme Summary of Iranian TV News 1630gmt 4 May 2013." PDF Instructions for Immigrant Visa Applicants Before the Interview Under Iranian law, a designation as a homosexual or transsexual/transgender is considered to constitute a medical and psychological condition that warrants an exemption from compulsory military service. Since the Iran-Iraq War ended in 1988, most Iranian conscripts have seen no combat, and their military service is often devoid of actual combat training. Sources state that people who refuse military service cannot get a passport (IHRDC 7 Nov. 2013; Al-Monitor 19 Dec. 2013). The Baij total force had increased to about 600,000 by 2019. This Response was prepared after researching publicly accessible information currently available to the Research Directorate within time constraints. General Kamali reportedly added that "for those who live outside of the country, the option of paying off military service had been cancelled earlier this year. 2014], United Kingdom (UK). Those who avoid call-up for military service are considered deserters. In 2019, the US State Department designated the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization, an unprecedented action against the military of a foreign state. Procedure for Obtaining:Apply at local registration office. But the. However, in reality, this interest predates the 1979 revolution and reflects a deep-seated desire for national prestige and development, as well as a need to deter regional rivals. 2014], _____. Certified Copies Available:Not available. Gay Iranian man dead in alleged 'honor killing,' rights group says Embassy in the Hague. The new version presents the spouses information on two facing pages and the childrens information on a subsequent page. 2014], _____. Virtual Embassy Iran, U.S. Embassy Abu Dhabi Physical standards had to be lowered to get the number of men needed. "Iran: Transgender People Are No Longer Classified as 'Mentally Sick'." On April 4, 1981, eight F-4 Phantom fighter bombers conducted a daring airstrike on three airbases deep inside Iraqi territory. There's no guarantee she will issue you a visa even if you're able to do so. On 30 June 2009, Press TV, Iran's first international news network that broadcasts in English (Press TV n.d.), reported that a bill, which was to be enforced in 2011, would reduce military service by 2 to 10 months for conscripts with university degrees (Press TV 30 June 2009). "Iran." New U.S., EU, and UK Sanctions and Export Controls Against Russia and OFFICIAL TRANSLATION FROM PERSIAN Emblem Police Administration of the Islamic Republic of Iran MILITARY SERVICE EXEMPTION CARD This card is valid only for peace period Scanned photo of the Holder National ID No. 2014], Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA). The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) had an estimated 125,000 active personnel in 2007. In the past, the color of exemption cards differed, and those issued based on sexual orientation were red, but today all cards are one color and the number of the section or addendum on which an exemption is based appears on the card. #ga-ad {display: none;} "Witness Statement of Milad." Further and corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. Exceptions:Copies of certificates containing the Bureaus authentication of the notarys signature can be obtained if the name and number of the notary registering the marriage or divorce are known. The Iranian and Iraqi "TD" is no fee with one entry over a period of 3 months. However, because the Department anticipates that virtually all applicants for this special program will be either Irish or U.K. nationals, the Q-2 and Q-3 categories have been placed only in the reciprocity schedules for those two countries. The Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy will look into the governments reasons for excluding the proposal from its 2019/20 budget given the fact that the conscription buy-out was allowed in previous years., Dehghani explained: Barring any objections from the government, the Majlis will include the proposal in next years budget. Further and corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. Fee: The reciprocity fee, also known as the visa issuance fee, you must pay. Irans interest in developing a nuclear deterrent is often attributed to the Islamic Republic. Thus far, this regulation is expected to be in effect up to 04/11/1390 [24 January 2012 ( 28 Mar. have valid temporary resident status in Canada. Draftees were then given paperwork telling them to show up atone of Tehrans bus terminals two days later to be sent to boot camp. N.d. "IFOR - International Fellowship of Reconciliation." Comments:Available but unreliable. However, unlike their government, which has hostile relations with the United States, many of these draftees yearn to pursue a better life in the US and fulfill their dreams. Its unclear yet whether a US decision to lift the FTO designation of the IRGC will erase the stigma of having served in the organization as far as US immigration is concerned (separate financial sanctions on the IRGC will remain). Alternate Documents: There are no alternate documents. Refusing to serve in the army without an exemption can result in not being granted a driver's license. Sina Azodi. 8. These cards facilitate the United States in honoring its host country obligations under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (VCDR), [] Older cards include detailed biographical information such as blood type, hair color, weight, height, eye color, physical defects, and sometimes level of education. If the original booklet is lost, a handwritten transcript from the registry office may be acceptable. In December 2013, media sources reported that, according to General Kamali, due to a shortage of personnel, Iran may increase the length of military service to 24 months. If there is a number, such as "One", you may apply for entry one time with that visa. New military ID cards list the subsection of the law dictating their exemption on their ID cards, which identifies them as gay or transgender and puts them at risk of physical danger and. And you need to apply to the embassy for an "exit stamp" (mohr e khorooj) . Accordingly, the period of validity of a V-2 or V-3 visa must be limited to expire on or before the applicant's twenty-first birthday. Meanwhile, the new categorization still identifies both homosexuality and transsexuality as a form of mental disorder. New versions have a brown cover for adults, photo, digital biodata, and stronger security features; and a dark green cover without photo for minor children under 15. The old version presents the spouses information on the top half of two facing pages, with the childrens information on the bottom half of the same pages.

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iranian military exemption card