harry styles astrology predictions

Greetings to you Jessica and to your many followers. This day, January 14th 2019, was when Meghan showed the worlds press pack she was expecting the baby who would be born as Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor on May 6th 2019, so four months later. The other issue is the reports, on 16th January, that the Archbishop of Canterbury intended to hold a summit with the family by April. It is very likely you have Gemini factors in your Third House of siblings, and/or your sister does. I dont buy the message that Harry and Meghan (particularly the latter) are being attacked to divert from Andrew. Someone has done an awful lot of data mining online and found how to divide us, havent they? Just absurd. Thank you. It would be historic (it can only happen once in your adult life). Thanks very much for this. Maybe self-interested or narcissistic but not a world leader or a model citizen. Fantastic work by you as always and love reading your blogs. The end of anonymity on Twitter and Facebook. It would suit the narrative of disruption which began with her second lot of nuptials, if Welby were to resign or if there was a motion to replace him. He said Charles needs to suffocate this. It does not seem natural at all. They are deeply hurt. If Harry has been privy to information of underhanded dealings I fear for him much and all as I consider his behaviour since decamping to Montecito to be pretty disgraceful . Theres something else. H/R bring it up, but I guess its old news in the Commonwealth. Sometimes it coincides with other cycles which hit a national chart (like France in the French Revolution) and you end up with mobs and guillotines. . 6) Sun Mercury Venus in 3rd house makes one popular writer and if somehow Jupiter aspects the, then one become a very famous scholar, writer, artist. Hi Jessica, There is a large table or desk at which I can see the Queen. Why the subliminal messaging? The best gay men or lesbians can hope for is a blessing, after a civil marriage. And as long as he didnt disgrace his family, the money would keep rolling in. I question the timing of Prince Harry attending a major public event at a large hotel on the weekend Saturn makes the ingress. You are quite right about the early kings having sibling issues. An Express article by Sophie McCabe 21/02/23 suggests the future of UK monarchy could follow the Norwegian model, which seems to match the republican feelings in that country in harmony with a monarchy. As for the future, I think 2026 is a turning point for everybody. It was also very interesting how once Suits became popular around 2012, and was picked up for more seasons, that she dropped her first husband in a flash and even startled him with the wedding ring in the mail. Apparently he is going to France and will be undergoing plastic surgery to conceal his identity. But there were other things going on. Years ago, legal advice was taken from four different sources about the Charles-Camilla wedding; we were told all agreed a member of the Royal family could marry in a civil ceremony but then the papers were sealed. It seems beyond a coincidence that Diana and Kanga both died within only a few months of each other. Perhaps its just Harry. Rasi/ Moon Sign: Virgo; Australian Government levied Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10% is applied to applicable orders at checkout. The floods appeared later so it wouldnt be a huge surprise if the family left Riven Rock. Thanks so much for all the spectacular content as always. Keep up your amazing work:)). Mud slinging in the family. However, the eagle is also a symbol of the United States. Is Diana giving a clue changes to come I have a bee in my bonnet about this now, but I also have a deadline to meet for the Daily Express. Who needs to detail layouts in an autobiography? Thankyou for the opportunity to contribute to the discussion. Diana was laughing and Charles was urging her to be more responsible and look serious for the cameras. Do you see Charlotte ever becoming Queen? This year is shown astrologically to be a time of great instability for Britain. Most interesting, grasshopper. Hiding a secret ceremony. Also, I cant remember which newspaper/commentator I read it but concerns were raised about Hs detailed descriptions of the location of bedrooms, corridors, doors, gates, grounds, rooms and floors in the various royal residences in Spare. Anyone who doubts there is an agenda here, hasnt been paying attention. We hear Soho House was Meghan Markles headquarters whenever she came to London. We hear about Meghans friend Vanessa, who worked for Soho House on page 285 and the bowels of Soho House on page 286, and on page 287, two large Soho House bags just in case you missed it the first time. As well Jessicas features are read widely around the world because of her high accuracy rate; her fairness and balanced approach with every feature is unsurpassed making people wait in anticipation for the next feature. Lots of Henrys ! If this sprawling firm is to avoid disasters like Andrew and Harry (and particularly Meghan) then perhaps its time it was run along more businesslike lines. He is in a world of extremely charismatic actors and television presenters stars with a lot of power. But what if two paparazzi were watching, for example? Approach towards love, romance and life in general is not encouraging. Something is off about Meghan, the former actress. Wow. I feel sorry for Harry because hes been under such gruesome scrutiny all of his life largely enough to drive any human being insane feeding the obscene and hypocrite media like the goose that lays the golden eggs, especially after the tragic death of his mother. Celebrity Astrology - Sally Kirkman Astrologer Just an attack. Harry Styles | Biography, One Direction, Acting Career, & Facts Seemed rather grudging after the Queens 70 years service. I never got a positive vibe about Meghan, and I still believe that she will leave him and try and take him to the cleaners. While I might be clutching at straws, I have learned a long time ago not to ignore that nagging feeling. Oh, so the Archbishop of Canterbury had a secret father. I do think the truth will come out, actually, because we are about to go into the same rare astrology cycle that took place when the monarchy signed its own rules on marriage into law. I do agree about Lady C, I do find myself liking her, and her dogs. However, when asked to comment further, VDP strongly denied the candle episode, and threatened to sue anyone who suggested any such event had taken place. Mars will resume correct motion and then leave Gemini. Hello Jessica, Ask yourself who wants to factory-produce division, anti-monarchy sentiment and so on. A great community. Charles shared deeply personal accounts of being bullied at school and Harry then choosing to tell the world that. Thank you Lesley. HM the Queen was quite right about William in 2023, 2024, 2025 and early 2026. Harrys uniform at the wedding is a standard frock coat of the Blues and Royals, which looks almost identical to the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards uniform worn by Nicholas II. We are fortunate indeed to have you to put it all in its astrological context. Was Anderson connected to Epstein?? Roell predicts Prince George will become king at a young age not William. But will being an Oprah be enough for her? H must know this so why do it? Thats interesting. In 2010, Styles auditioned as a solo artist for the British television series The X Factor. Its like a bad episode of Dynasty, right? Thank you for providing them, as one day this website will be a tiny part of astrological history given what we are about to see in March 2023. Having read Spare and seen the interviews, I believe we are seeing Zersetzung (German for disruption) a Stasi psychological warfare technique. Its fascinating, isnt it? It has just hit the news that a group of anglican churches from around the world have rejected the church of england and Justin Welby as spiritual leaders of the Anglican faith because of his backing of blessing same sex marriages. Hello Jessica. Photographer spend hours editing to get the best angle that they caught that portrays frailty best because sometimes its so hard to get a pic to portray what was really there. Though nowadays it is more concerned with state funerals, coronations and matters of heraldry. As you say divide and conquer is well known and used strategy in war. Both liked the high life, non? That could be really interesting. I think Harry and Andrew both walked into a drama designed to disrupt and partially destroy Britains relationship with America and the British unity within. There is a photo of Elizabeth and Bertie on their wedding day. Please check this link from todays Daily Mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11646107/Prince-Harry-slammed-giving-ammunition-Iranian-regimes-propaganda-machine.html. Sounds foolhardy if true. Id like to know why Harry and Meghan stated they were moving to Canada, lived in a Russian oligarchs house, then changed their minds and went to Los Angeles. The wedding itself probably deserves its own astrology feature! Significant more so, because I then glanced at the TV that was running in the background, and there was a still of Princess Diana. However, maybe the vows were read in the mini wedding, which would satisfy the church. Theres a website called Blind Gossip which has posted a lot about Meghan dating back to 2017, so much of what was posted there has ended up coming true. Triggered by the transit of the South Node in Sagittarius from May 6th 2020 until January 18th 2022, Harry created Spare. There are two big background issues to this as we know. Hi Jessica, Hi Jessica After 17 years of being a counsellor and psychologist maybe Ive developed a feel for danger and for knowing hurt and pain. That same month shows up for Harry, in terms of William, but also his cousin Eugenie. I recall Harry making a passing comment to the media that hed like to marry an American, an actress, someone already famous so theyre used to being in the spotlight, like what being a part of the RF brings. Hi Jessica, Of course an underage monarch doesnt need a regent. Thats interesting about the Vedic astrology outlook for Meghan and Harry. Spain (the leaked first edition of Spare appeared in Spain) If you wanted to break down the special relationship between the United States of America and the United Kingdom, one of the reasons that Nazi Germany was defeated in the last war, how would you do it? How Did 2020 Predictions Twitter Foresee The Harry Styles Vogue Cover? Hi Jessica, There are plenty of other clerics of different denominations that can take part. I do not recommend the book. People being deliberately inserted into and others erased from the narrative? Whatever one may think of Harry, Meghan and/or the royal family, we are talking about someone who has been deeply traumatised by unfounded insinuations by the paparazzi. Pluto in Aquarius doesnt really do evil dictators. Great post! You also ask a good question about the 100 million Welby has promised for slave trade reparation by the Church of England. Thank you for adding to this ongoing conversation, which I expect will not end this month! Harry and Meghan are already seeing one prediction come true. Hi Jessica, Prince Harry and Meghan were obviously told the name of the emerald tiara but it doesnt make the book. Julie x. On page 88 of Spare (Penguin Random House 2023) Harry recalls stargazing. Hmmmm The section describes some additional features of this chart. Their church and state are also disestablished now. Perhaps. I have not quoted the whole 2 verses, as it is easily found. So was she deceived by a photographer paid to shoot from an angle which deliberately flattened or heightened her stomach? Too funny. I am not sure about the truth of the infamous moon bump photo shoot, but the fact that Welby abandoned the Synod to perform Archies christening instead, having already gone behind the backs of the bishops to hear Meghan and Harrys secret vows will have stayed with many Anglicans. And thank you for the compliment. More uncertainty. I still hold to the idea that the couple had a secret marriage. Thank you. Prince William does not have mars conjunct jupiter and in fact jupiter has to pass saturn and pluto in order to progress to conjunct mars. Angela Kelly is the woman, isnt she? To this they may have added Macbeth and King Lear. Cheers for communication and mobility, Harry Styles! So much to think about in this article Jessica. Adding to Janie Bees musings, its interesting that she quotes Lady C about a massive secret its all so secretive where the Harkles are concerned isnt it? It is related to gaslighting which comes to us from the British playwright Patrick Hamilton and similar to George Orwells visions in 1984. Penny Thornton continues: If your birth time is strictly accurate, the IC refers to your ancestor/s. Thats Venus. Where is the Duchess of Sussex? On the right of the pathway is a memorial bench like structure to her, where people leave flowers. Her image has stayed in my mind rolling about fairly consistently which I thought meant something. He wrote Honeytrap about that British 1960s affair you know the Mandy Rice Davies and Christine Keeler British Government scandal. Thanks so much for this blog so fascinating and just cant wait to see the astrology of March unfolding. Also transiting Mars will be opposite transiting Pluto in May again making aspects to Georges sun and moon. I find it fascinating that Spare makes no reference at all to the huge Russian-American story that the astrology chart shows. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/01/06/uk/prince-harry-taliban-afghanistan-criticism-intl-gbr/index.html. Because, from what I have read in the past, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon was an independent minded young woman. I was reminded of the time shortly before Diana died when I was in that same half state and inwardly saw Arabs plotting but whether to stop Diana and Dodis escape from the Paris hotel or to facilitate it, I really couldnt say. TB thought shes just distancing herself because her books coming soon but DW thought its because their popularity in the US is falling. Harry has just done the same thing by denying that the Oprah Winfrey interview with Meghan smeared his family. There is another branch growing out of this tree, and this is the connection between MM and Epstein. Lots of secrets revealed, like court papers of secret marriages and much more. Was Markus Anderson at wedding. Hi Jessica, this feature has generated a lot of comments and surprisingly didnt create the polarization one would expect when reading about the Royal Family; it is a testament to your approach of clarity and fairness in every aspect of your features driven by your expertise in interpreting astrological charts of people and places/countries. Jumping forward a few centuries, it has not happened since Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were guillotined and the monarchy abolished in France. About a week ago now Dale Kanga Tryon (nee Harper) came into my mind very clearly. Harry was obviously the big goal around then. It is a competitive game to them. What was Harry Styles first word? Harry Styles, horoscope for birth date 1 February 1994, born in - Astro Thank you. The interior of the building is not like BP as I know it, but more like a temple. This looks like its all coming to a head in March. with how Meghan was chosen to play the role of Duchess, is she then being paid by some other organisation to further America type thing and the RF dont know? Jessica, I think one of the changes that is going to come from this is choice meaning those in the line of succession will be able to choose their own path. For one thing he doesnt actually need to be crowned to be a king. This Pluto-Pluto square will happen more than once over the next 18 months wont it as Pluto moves in and out of Capricorn and Aquarius. The fact that it was the Guardian who first got hold of the leaked book is very telling isnt it! The Astrology of Harry Styles. Thank you for articulating this so well: We are being played, but who is directing it? Why would she fake being pregnant though? Great that people are recognising how unique and valuable this blog is- thank you on behalf of us all. The option is not even considered that something else could have been concealed. Hi Jessica thank you for all the time and effort you have contributed to this thread. William Marshal ruled England for 9 year old Henry iii. Yes, you can imagine MI5 opening that chapter in Spare and falling off their chairs. Big vague paragraph. You say you have experienced racist remarks. x. I am always pleased when psychics join the conversation. gatecrashed Williams 21st party, fooling security as it was fancy dress. Why do you suppose that Meghan Markle risked the legality of not one but two marriages? Thank you for so much food for thought in your replies. There was one thing that confused me about an excerpt from Harrys book. Look at Samoa and China. Even republicans know the facts! Had I seen that as a potential buyer, I think I would have reversed quickly out of the driveway! Maybe even put them in potential danger. Thank you! Hi Jessica and everyone whove made fascinating comments, heres my contribution please check out the very talented YouTuber The Royal Grift her research is meticulous It doesnt matter what they are like in the family circle. MMs parents were not invited. Harry and Meghan will indeed lose their titles shortly. I think he has a good heart but is very vulnerable and very lost. And yethere we are. Your show bibleand pinboard feelings are supported by online findings, in my opinion. x. Categories. It seems to me that Harry knows (which must be quite disturbing ) but prefers to be evasive while half unveiling a secret; either to protect his mother or to protect himself and his children At the same time, he embarrasses Charles and the RF. Diana was very attracted to exotic countries. I also agree with you that Charles has been an outstanding advocate for conservation and the environment. With the latest revelations, my jaw dropped because someone (or many) in this publishing process have done Harry wrong, starting from allowing the admission that his brothers baldness was alarming. Uranus, Mars and Neptune in Sagittarius in the Ninth House, all triggered when Meghan Markle appeared. There will be a change in the balance of power as Pluto goes into Aquarius from March 2023, until the year 2044, but it will not be as various plutocrats wish. Harry Styles talks privacy and sexuality in a new interview | CNN

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harry styles astrology predictions