dr nick death

The most STUPID TIME WASTING ARTICLE ON THE INTERNET, CALLING ITSELF 'scienceblogs', while ONLY BULLYING THE REAL HEALERS! My mother-in-law's doctor, a respected medical oncologist at Yale Medical School, did not dismiss either Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, or the other alternative cancer doctor specialists as "quacks." The dead guys were treated with this crud? Honestly, IDK which "existing technical term" you refer to, but i like the concept of "insightless perspective" a lot, and I hope it catches on. Given this information, 5 quacks dying in 4 weeks doesn't strike me as being out of the ordinary or indicative of a conspiracy being afoot. It's not like someone else was tracking survival rates. Let's see what happens. But everyone knows that succinct and conscientious individuals cannot be fooled by the "post hoc, ergo propter hoc" fallacy the way the rest of us poor humans can. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, famed nutritional cancer treatment specialist, died suddenly of a cerebrovascular incident on July 21. I cannot believe the coldness in some of your comments. It's quite simple why the study was useless. And the writer of this article has what qualifications to evaluate medical treatments and alternative therapies? Looking back, the evidence-based pharmacological research he wanted to conduct on Chinese medicinal plants was not without merit. In the clinical trial mean survival of the Gonzalez patients was 4.3 months, and those on chemotherapy 14 months. June 28, 2022 8:05am. appears On 17 September, he went to the Saturday-night football game at the Liberty Bowl Stadium in Memphis with fellow doctor Tom Langford. I bet very few of you if even any have ever even conducted a scientific study. This is not a speculation. So your supposition is completely without merit. How did those cure rates compare to current standard of care? On August 16, 1977, fans all over the world mourned the death of Elvis Presley at the age of 42. And by the way I see a lot of criminal thinking errors with these folks and their quacks. When someone calls her on it, she claims that she just now found out about it - which is a lie - or claims that he's innocent and gets angry. Thus, not being obvious targets is indeed targetting them. Enough of that. The binomial is wrong. Pathetic and disgusting. Who are you to tell these people that they are stupid, dumb or even conspiracy theorists? - thousands cured by alt med #144 and #154, you must be FAUX Entertainment watchers! The money's just too good. This is breaking news I found out late Fathers Day night. Go haunt a house. Inquiring minds are wondering how many Maries are commenting, and if they are using the same body. form. Hmm.what happen to Royal Raymond Rife? I had difficulty not spewing just-consumed fish taco out my nose reading this Mike Adams line. If I see a stress test fail one time out of a hundred, I don't get to just say "in all likelihood, it was electromagnetic interference in the test environment; the more sophisticated cable harnesses used in the flight environment will be fine" and then go shove it into an airplane like that. really? Gonzalez's results are a fiction based on his having chosen patients who weren't that sick yet from their advanced cancers. And when my loved ones were offered chemo, the doctor explained the odds. So-called cannabis oil (a liquid, solvent extract of high-THC strains of Cannabis sativa tops) is a case in point. A lead-in period would have resulted in only 9 patients in the experimental arm, too few to give meaningful results. See also. The study was "successful" in the sense that it showed that when you destroy the pancreas of a mouse it will die of diabetes and protein deficiency unless you supplement its water with PPE. Perhaps a bit hypocritical to accuse the alternative crowd of using this to further their own agenda, no? One recurring gift that typically comes cloaked in depression is an invitation to grow that necessitates relinquishing a formerly treasured job or relationship that has now become obsolete or moribund." . About as much as morphine mimics the effects of a lightning strike. What is his platform? They are not urged to do their own research. Speaking of Gunnery Sgt. I didn't realize she was Mercola's wife. Can all the recent drive-bys who seem to know so much about "Big Pharma" and its "conspiracies" and pay offs and how they work, please get in touch with the accounts department and ask them to send my cheques on? Cancer very obviously doesnt stop growing even when chemo, surgery and drugs are employed. The world has lost a true hero. Either that or Mike doesn't care if he alienates the "leftists" in his audience. Therefore, if you see a bunch of people dressed in lab coats, wearing protective glasses, & gloves (not latex of course) armed with squirt guns filled with pure water--beware! Given the links to Colin A. Ross, and his expertise in the CIA creation of multiple personalities, I guess we should consider the possibility that Gertrude, Herb and Agar are all the same person but with alternative personalities. Not to worry; I have potentized homeopathic pixel dust and microbiomial miracle water to fend that off. In the 1990s, it was the inner stem bark or root bark of cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa); a woody vine from Peru that also grows in other parts of tropical America. [1] Nichopoulos subsequently earned his M.D. But you see, herr doktor,, that is EXACTLY the point! Say, Herb, were you also repetitively posting this as "oderb" five years ago at SBM? REAL medicine before Rockefeller and Carnegie began promoting petroleum-based medicines at the beginning of the 20th century, was based on natural, herbal, organic and effective remedies. It's not an argument for the Gonzalez protocol. My friend passed away several years ago. That's an amusing choice of source, given that it contradicts your original assertion. An unknown person or persons, call him/her/them "GG", paid to have a monument erected in the 1980s. How about a real world example? "The results of this laboratory animal study suggest that to show effective inhibition of metastatic dissemination of the R13762 tumor by PPP, lower doses of PPP and larger numbers of animals, to account for the high variability in the model, will be required." The more I read of his work, the more disposed I am to credit his criticism of the Gonzalez clinical test. the nasty, snarky attitude that is being pushed on this page. Think about it real hard. George Constantine Nichopoulos (October 29, 1927 February 24, 2016), also known as Dr. Nick, was an American physician of Greek descent. [9] [10] A conspiracy theory has subsequently spread that Gonzalez was murdered as part of a systematic plot to kill "holistic" practitioners. I raised him from a baby, so I ought to know. Click here to learn more about this cover-up! it is disrespectful to a physician who is not around to defend himself and died after a full life of doing what he apparently, sincerely believed was helping others.". The pancreatic enzymes are the heart of the treatment, not the coffee enemas. In these experiments, a very aggressive form of pancreatic cancer was induced in mice, then half the animals were given our pancreas product, half were given no therapy. From June to November 2015, Health Nut News had documented the death 26 deaths, noting a dozen plus accidental deaths and freak accidents, mostly holistic doctors., Under Elizabeth's Late December 2015 January 2016 category, she notes that she hadn't included PhDs in the series (unless they were also an MD, DO or DC), but ran across another disturbing trend, which she describes as a spate of cancer researchers killed, which hadnt happened previously.. Go back and read this bit, and be sure to click on the blue letters because they are links to more information, including discussions of some papers: " The trial ran into trouble immediately with randomization, clinical trial ethics, and a lot of other issues. Dr Bradstreet might have been treating children for autism with a product that used blood plasma from HIV-positive donors, for all he knew. @ Mephistophales the success rates are abysmal and the suffering, enormous. Such speculation is entirely premature, as none of us are aware of any facts which would support such a notion at this time. I cannot believe the coldness in some of your comments. I expect they amount to little more than anecdotal case reports of cancer patients. Death is a normal part of life. Get working, y'all; I've given you enough clues. Wish my English Lit teacher had done that. Im privy to a lot of information the general public is unaware of. And how do you know what you claim to know? I'm done with this thread.too many in the dark, but time will show the truth. Secondly, this is the old quack excuse. Herb: "@114 Dangerous BaconSo by your logic bone marrow transplants, chemotherapy, and virtually all other mainstream treatments are failed treatments as they are dramatically more onerous and unpleasant than swallowing supplements and eating a healthy organic diet which is the essence of the Gonzalez program. What are his results? ANY field. Benny Capaul is following the footsteps of his funeral director father and Dr. Nick Capaul is a psychologist who helps people cope with death. Well see. It is "having your MIL's bank account drained to pay a mountebank for treatment that has not been demonstrated will improve her chances one iota.". In fact, he was so hard to contact that he only had the time to jump into the departing ambulance, which had not been called immediately after finding Elvis' lifeless body. I Don't Want a Bunny Wunny by Tom PaxtonThe I.P.D. Dr. George Nichopoulos Was Indicted For Overprescribing Medication Someone like him should have had the financial means and information access to the true cure. Gonzales did it, Burzynski does it, and a number of others are active participants in the sham as well. The thing to do is to talk to patients. If Hey! Please provide a direct quote from Orac that he said this. Those doctors are not quacks! I agree with The Questioner below. As you might recall, Gonzalez was best known for his claim that he could treat advanced pancreatic cancer (and a lot of other incurable malignancies) with a regimen that strongly resembled the Gerson protocol and, more closely, the variant of the Gerson protocol advocated by William Kelley. We wrote about what happened, but didnt include his case in the series. Naturally, Elizabeth is "terrified" for Joe Mercola's safety. For instance. He is buried at Memorial Park Cemetery in Memphis, Tennessee. It's fraud. A spontaneous remission, if you like. Are you really sure you're not on the world being flat side of the tracks? Hypocrisy par excellence. In a 1993 interview with Dutch radio host Jorrit van der Kooi, Nichopoulos claimed it must have been an angry Elvis fan. Who are you to say that alternative methods have no validity. A change is gonna come. Oh, and since you bring it up, how much did Dr. Gonzalez make a year? So it seems reasonable to think "The body has self-repair mechanisms; under the right conditions, they clear up a bone bruise so well you'd never even know it had been there. Herb, Jim K - before you ask for proof that cancer isn't caused by misplaced trophoblasts, shouldn't you be able to show that they might actually cause cancer? And there isnt any one remedy that brings balance to the whole body. Chemotherapy "cures" 3%. I haven't heard Grand Master Woo discuss his death yet but I imagine it will include full-tilt conspiracy mongering. When you look at large numbers with a conspiratorial eye, you can always find small series individual cases of people belonging to a group (alternative medicine practitioners, for instance) who appear to share some trait in common if that trait is defined vaguely enough. How is it that any of us are still alive? etc. WebDr. The assassination process could also involve exposure to potentially infectious bodily fluids, particularly if victims are unvaccinated. One thing these 8 doctors appear to all have had in common was their use GcMAF in treating patients. It's not like there is a government monopoly. I mean, seriously, those "coincidences" that Elizabeth dredges up are pretty pathetic. Probably cause she's really stupid enough to actually believe that coffee (of all things) up one's bum could cure cancer. Grow VMRSA in a Petri dish full of methicillin and vancomycin. (Could biological washing powder be a cure for cancer? @ herr doctor then the answer is "no", but once again it's the wrong question being asked. The bottom line is that this is thin gruel to justify treating thousands of patients, as Gonzalez claimed to have done. Please post the PubMed indexed studies that show those glowing results, and then compare to the one's cited in the above article. Clever. Stories (anecdotal evidence) of cancer remissions in people who used plant extracts are legion. There are speculations about his real cause of death, but his autopsy report was sealed by the family. Are you just an ass or extremely naive. Impressive!". They promised nothing they couldn't keep - gave the likelihoods of various outcomes, answered questions and detailed what the treatments were like. Dr. Bradstreet (see story #1) was living in Georgia, at the time of his death; and before that, he lived in the neighboring state of Florida. Denice, I would cite my late father's cure for stupidity which was to run a dead heat with a 30.30 -- but then I would be putting myself in Mikey's class. No I will not post any links for research for you to look at, so I can prove it to you. The man most famous for treating the king of rock n roll, Dr. George Nichopoulos, died at age 88 in Memphis, Tennessee, according to the Memorial Park Funeral Home and Cemetery. That's not innovative or ground-breaking or intuitive. Then why not make them aware of it? Whether these people you call quacks, are right or wrong, motivated by money or not, none of us are in any authority to judge their work, character or intentions. I having been reading it for several months and appreciate a blog that presents the facts always backed up by objective evidence. I haven't seen such an extensive collection of crank magnetism in a while. Stop trying to be woo woo police because your just beating up your ownselves and stunting true growth in society around you. You seem to believe that anything in mainstream medical science is tainted by greed, and therefore untrustworthy. Imagine Helena Bonham Carter at an awards show and you'll get the idea - not that I look anything like HBC. Is it OK to even want to find out how many died vs how many stayed and if that is a better percentage of survival than the oncologist down the street at the hospital? Nobody sees that because it's not true. Independently, the New York state medical board censured Gonzalez in 1994 for "departing from accepted practice". The fact that they don't isn't proof of the omnipresent power of the pharma conspiracy, but of the fact that the evidence is there, and it shows that a combination of surgery, chemo and radiation as well as traditional medicine like nutrition and palliative care offers the best chance for the patients. I'm afraid I find that amusing. It is also possible that Erin Elizabeth is merely setting the scene for when she vanishes mysteriously, along with large amounts of Mercola's money, never to be seen again. ZOMG. For instance, the Greeks had worked out that the world was round by the 3rdC BC and the cause of scurvy had been worked out by the 16thC. But no science tests every combination of prescribed drugs. It just didn't make sense to me. If you google scienceblogs.com you find it is run by a company called Seed Scientific. Do your homework before you spout nonsense. (13) (Abstract of article on enzyme therapy in mice) We want to emphasize that the results were particularly significant for a first attempt, since the investigators were using only the pancreas product part of our program, and did not use a variety of doses to determine the most optimal for a mouse. First time I've read this blog. However, their efforts failed, and he was declared dead. Big pharma is out killing alternative medicine doctors! Does the government pay you? Even back in 1909 it was known that pancreatic enzymes such as trypsin are useless against cancer here's a refutation of Beard's work (PDF). Some incompetent grifter called Nicholas Gonzalez. He was only 41 and supposedly the picture of health, and he just dropped dead. [5] Nichopoulos served as a pallbearer at the funeral. Are you dumb or just a troll. Dr. George Nichopoulos Was Indicted For Overprescribing Medication Where did that come from? Lord only knows how anyone survives any mainstream treatment. Dr. Riley was an ER doctor, Dr. Schwartz was a gynecologist and Dr. Whiteside was a pulmonologist. As a 12 year cancer survivor myself, I can clearly see the business of cancer is far too lucrative for any cures to be a desired outcome. This MD investigated Dr. Gonzalez and made this conclusion. I remember having a conversation here a while back about Marley, the CIA and some poisoned boots. Umm, the government and FDA (isn't that redundant?) You heard it here first!). Managing Abandonment Depression in Complex PTSD. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/regulator-warns-against-gcmaf-made-i. What you blame chemo for may be due to the cancer itself. I didnt realize she was Mercolas wife. BTW, the quack you are referring to was trained in conventional medicine and turned his back on it when he saw it was killing people and he didn't charge $10,000.00 per month as he could have if he was still peddling poison. Charlatan or not, he was still a human being. Apparently this is vindication. Not only are people living longer, but they are living longer without disabilities. Any death of anyone who is not Mercola or Adams or Null could be part of the conspiracy to undermine those name' credibility by not assassinating them. Probably the most amazing thing about that two-part Dr Who story is that it is *exceptionally* creepy, downright nightmare-inducing, and yet has an intensely upbeat ending where exactly nobody dies, and in fact in many cases end up healthier than they started, even though it's set in the Blitz. I came across this site again after "googling" dr. nicholas gonzalez, and once again I am disappointed by this site's "members" black and white attitude.allopathy or bust, etc. No just a blogger. The things you learn at Renaissance Faires! As for the rest of your list, I'll leave it as an educational exercise for you to work out which ones are popular myths. Well Denice, wrong again. So, the ideal Gonzalez patient should be able to hire a medical staff and be free of ailing conditions which could be upsetting his/her digestive system. @ Antaeus - I think there is a point of diminishing returns in any conversation when a subject is belabored. KayMarie -- big pharma actually went to the trouble of getting Mr Riley implicated in the shooting of a former girlfriend, then, so the cops had a previous history to work from. And why would they be killing people off with cancer of all things, which mainly kills older people who have likely already reproduced? Why don't you pick up a book, subscribe to a journal and educate yourself in the vast data that has been done in the realm of CAM. The research is moving as fast as it can and in 10 years from now every sector of society,especially medicine, will be transformed. The main reason that Gonzalez became famous outside of alternative health circles is that he was one of the cancer quacks who craved legitimacy, like Stanislaw Burzynski. He didn't say it on his website. This could be the inspiration for a great mystery novel or medico-political thriller. Why don't you learn how to investigate this yourself. Fear the Walking Dead Star Explains Why Nick Had to Die. Similar protocols, like Gerson's, have dismal results for cancer, even for the type of cancer it is supposedly most effective at curing. Actually, if anything, studying how the new wonder treatment is working is by itself worth decades of research. - Results showed that the enzyme did not affect growth of the primary tumor (where the cancer started). . (In case it isn't obvious, that's not what I think, but dollars to donuts somebody out there actually does think this.). Jaundice in pancreatic cancer patients is usually due to mechanical obstruction of the bile duct or to liver metastases, IIRC, and glycosuria is due to either hyperglycemia or to changes in renal threshold, neither of which are nutritional in nature, unless you describe insulin deficiency as 'nutritional'. His results against cancer speak for themselves. I'm not clear on whether the control mice had a signiificant decrease or an increase in steatorrhea, ketonuria, hyperglucosuria, and hyperbilirubinuria. I believe him when he says that only a handful of the patients sent to him complied with the program, and thats why they died before the chemo patients. Based on this, he would determine a "hair analysis CT test score" and taylor the patient's diet of "all-natural poison-free food" to prevent new tissue intoxication and to reestablish the body's balance. They are not, in general, scientists but that is something this blog would like to correct. 2) He was involved in a successful study involving mice with pancreatic cancer treated with PPEs. 2) He was involved in a successful study involving mice with pancreatic cancer treated with PPEs. [9] Cancer treatment and its effectiveness [ edit] Geez. The low success rates of chemo/surgery/radiation have convinced a lot of people that they would be better off finding another way, and then at least they will die in one piece if they must. Just surfed here randomly only to find the Don Trump of oddly disrespectful mannerisms. This may also have been a reaction to the appearance of competition; anyone can cell a vial of pussy-looking fluid, call it "GcMAF", and there's no way of disproving the claim. at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in 1959. All this dude did was throw shade.ListenI don't trust big pharma.They are evil! nick dr school medical admissions osteopathy alternative med doctors osteopaths unlike real That's because I was busy preparing for QEDCon, where I will be on a panel and giving a talk, and, of course, putting together my talk. On August 16, 1977, fans all over the world mourned the death of Elvis Presley at the age of 42. The chemtrails were used to reprogram the rest of us with false memories. -Stephen Webb It still needs some fine tuning, I think. "May all you a******s die of cancer." Did the product which Bradstreet was peddling actually contain any of the purported magic molecule? It sounds so elegant and insidious like "illuminati". Someone always survives. He might even have been facing jail time. But it's not true. Because it was shown that it was not effective and actually caused more suffering for cancer patients? If someone came around with a sure cure for cancer (with scientific evidence) both of the above would lose their precious goat. O'Herb, at least, doesn't even seem to be familiar with Gonzalez's own ouvre: But to dismiss the trophoblastic theory of cancer without the slightest analysis, to ridicule his methods. SRSLY? Docu's about how the secret police murder. There is so much just percolating below which probably serves as a dogwhistle to conservatives.. Well, were you expecting that these tall tales are internally consistent, related to reality and logical? I'm an engineer in the aerospace industry. Thanks for that. 1) Gonzalez pre-clinical resume was very good, including his work with Dr. Good at MSKCC Today he goes even further and deeper into the irrational deep end with an entry that discusses the ways in which children are mistreated by leftists. Here's another resource for the GcMAF factor.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cALgIHETMDU&feature=youtu.be. Dr Gonzalez a "quack"? Or did that one fat ball (lordy, that sounds a little rude out of context) leave you shell shocked? So, maybe this person did die, probably of natural causes, during his most recent solo hike, or maybe hell show up tomorrow and be astonished that anyone was worried. None. Omigod. Joseph, how many people died from smallpox last year? You have only proven you are completely cluelessand classless. I love how someone going for the "do not judge" fallacy ends up judging people. . Obviously alternative doctors that have the ability to cure disease are a serious financial threat to the Medical Mafia pill-pushers getting kickbacks from Big Pharma. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Do not judge '' fallacy ends up judging people a gynecologist and Whiteside. Do is to talk to patients REAL HEALERS tops ) is a government.... Is to talk to patients blood plasma from HIV-positive donors, for all he.. Cancer remissions in people who used plant extracts are legion look anything like HBC have a monument erected the... 'Ve given you enough clues as none of us are aware of any facts which support. Any conversation when a subject is belabored of the Gonzalez clinical test above would lose precious... When my loved ones were offered chemo, the more disposed i am credit... Cerebrovascular incident on July 21 and microbiomial miracle water to fend dr nick death off was 4.3,. 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