stefan salvatore kill count

Stefan begs her to stay alive for her sons, while Damon syringes her and locks her in their dungeon. Stefan and Damon then walk into the Lockwood Mansion and finally asks him if he killed Malcolm. Back at the boarding house, Stefan and Elena are getting hot and heavy in Stefan's room, and they make out until suddenly Elena starts to hallucinate that Stefan is Damon. He breaks the chains and when he he touches her arm, his hand sizzles and it's like her skin is vervain. While Katherine remained somewhat difficult with him, she enlisted the help of Caroline so he could resolve his own personal problems first rather than handle her own. Damon reveals the time when Charlotte killed a sailor after touching Damon's drink, having told her to 'have no mercy', he tells Stefan that was his first clue she was sired. He asks her to tell him what she wants to hear so they can go back to being friends again. Stefan is about to leave but Elena asks him why she not run like she normally does and and what was the reason for Katherine to stay , Stefan tells her that for Katherine staying alive wasn't enough and that she wanted it all, she wanted him. "I'm gonna kill him!", you yelled. Stefan agrees to it and lets Matt take Elena. Stefan catches her right on the moment which she is about to hit the ground. Stefan agrees to deal with Rebekah's body and compel Jeremy to forget the day's events, as well as keep mum about the cure, while Klaus travels to Italy to retrieve the sword. She responded that he's her emotional trigger and he's the only one that can bring her back. Rebekah forces Stefan into the library where she quickly delves into finding out how far they have gotten into finding the cure. He drank her blood and almost killed her but was stopped by Bonnie when she cast a spell on him. One point for Matt. In the novels, when Stefan was a child, his mother always used to sing him a French lullaby. Stefan loves football and is very good at it. After making viewers think Damon ( Ian Somerhalder) compelled Stefan ( Paul Wesley) into letting the eldest Salvatore sacrifice himself to save Mystic Falls, "I Was Feeling Epic" delivered the . But Katherine tells him that he needs to feel, because she needs him to get angry. Klaus then asks about Caroline and Stefan says they're going to need more drinks. After that Stefan and Damon talk on the phone and Damon explains what happened and Stefan tells him that he wasn't able to stop the massacre. Klaus elaborates that Rebekah had in fact been in love with the hunter, and during that time had learned many of the brotherhood's secrets. Ironically, Stefan's initial naivety and desire to feed paralleled his behavior after being turned into a vampire in 1864. Klaus asks if he loves Caroline and Stefan asks "Why? Katherine tells him that if she "starts to sag. Three days of suffering hasn't changed Caroline's mind. Stefan accompanies her, but instead of digging, he drinks and taunts her until she releases her anger on him with punches and a whack over the head with a shovel. Stefan tells Matt that the only reason he saved Matt first was because Elena insisted upon it, that Elena sacrificed her own life to save Matt and instead of bemoaning what has happened, maybe Matt should try to live up to the sacrifice Elena made for him and earn the life he has because of it. Julian ask what's the problem and Stefan tells to him that he are not going to see Maria again. Stefan talks to Elena, who that thinks they should do something, but he tells her that Damon is stalling Vaughn as Damon has not had enough time to bury Silas' body yet. Stefan is on the phone with Caroline, having spoken to Tyler about his own sire bond, she reveals hybrids are sired due to being grateful to Klaus, and Stefan seems upset when she adds there is no vampire equivalent for the reasons behind a sire bond. Later, Stefan tells Caroline he made a list of how loving her changed his life. The episode ended with Stefan and Caroline drinking margaritas. The cabin is quickly engulfed in flames. Characters / The Vampire Diaries Universe Stefan Salvatore Stefan peruses the boxes while Damon fields a call from the sheriff, who informs him that Connor's remains were not found at the site of the explosion. He start talking about Damon and says that he finally had everything he wanted, that he was happy and that he should be there, he is sad because Damon and Lexi are gone for good, Stefan puts his head in between his legs and starts to cry, Caroline wraps her arms around him without saying a word. He hates that he's friends with vampires at all. She starts to choke Damon with magic but Stefan appears behind her and she stops. The person is also looking for the headstone and finds it, when the original sister catches him. They agree to figure it out once the Huntress thing is over. He calls out to Andie, who is up high on a beam in the studio roof. Later, after ignoring Damon and Elena's calls all morning, he meets the others at the Lockwood mansion where Damon, Elena, Caroline, Tyler and Hayley are discussing their rescue mission to save Jeremy from Connor, who is holding him and possibly others hostage at the Grill. Stefan catches ball and wins everyone over. Enzo tells them that Wes was experimenting with him and so discovered the antidote, Caroline ask what does that have to do with them, Sloan say that when Wes died, the Travelers took it. Stefan says that they're "reminiscing" trying to gloss it over a bit for her. He was thinking about killing Damon. He tells Valerie that she passed away when he was ten. She is in the emergency room for a heart attack. He points out that Caroline is good at being a vampire, and she insists that it's because Stefan helped her when she first turned. They are both laughing when suddenly Julian is there, looking at Valerie and saying "Aren't we ladylike?" They hide when two young men walk out of Tripp's vampire torture shed. He and Damon have a conversation about un-daggering Elijah and Damon explains that Elijah's in the perfect mood to help killing Klaus. Stefan convinces a shocked Elena that she needs to stay behind, promises he'll get Jeremy and the others out alive, kisses her and leaves. Minutes later, Stefan has a conversation with Elena who has come to speak with Damon, but Stefan refuses to let her see his big brother, she then asks him what was he doing with Rebekah-she's the one that tried to kill her. Stefan asks what is his point and Damon says that his point is that he's sorry. Lexi returns to Mystic Falls for Stefan's 162nd birthday, trying to renew her relationship with Stefan. Stefan has been with Valerie romantically for three years, and it is stated that they have been happy together. Later, when Stefan regains consciousness, Damon attacks him and Stefan is unconscious again. I Was Feeling Epic (TVD)A Streetcar Named Desire (TO). Elena is saddened and says that she doesn't have anyone anymore. Caroline asks him where is the antidote and Enzo nods and a group of Travelers disperse through the stockyard. Sheriff Forbes has given them the name of the town where the original sister and Elena have went to find Katherine. In The Murder of One, Stefan and Damon make a plan with Elena, Matt and Caroline to kill the Originals. This episode reflects one of the strongest points in the relationship between both brothers. Stefan wears his lapis lazuli daylight ring on the middle finger of his right hand. After the brothers escaped, Stefan wanted to run away with Callie who was killed by Damon, much to Stefan's horror. The Salvatore brothers find Lily about to stab herself. Stefan's hair was styled much differently; flatter and much longer in length with a part in the side. Afterwards, Rebekah calls Stefan and reveals that she wants to kill Elena while Stefan tries to stop her. In the meantime Klaus and Caroline find him. He leads her out and keeps telling her about what happened with Lexi and how they at the end hooked up. Stefan had a tattoo of a rose on his right shoulder. Elena finally agrees to skip the rest of the school day and have fun, and leaves to go home and change. and Klaus tells him to let her go as he will sacrifice everything good with her for his brother. He absorbs information very easily and is able to memorize events and dates at the top of his head as seen in. After Elena asks why he sent Damon to look for her, Stefan admits that Damon seems to have Elena's trust in ways that he doesn't anymore. In We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes, Stefan shows up at the Gilbert House after receiving a call from Damon that Elena had stabbed and killed Jeremy. Stefan walks up to the bar and pats Damon's shoulder and tells him he wishes to 'bury the hatchet' before they hug. Stefan ask if won't they kill her for helping them out, but Maria is doing that for Julian, her husband, she ask for him, Elena says that he's permanently passengered into one of their best friends so yes, they know about him. With his hands full, Stefan's phone rings, so Caroline awkwardly fishes it out of his front pocket and answers it to hear her mom on the other end just checking in. Stefan and Damon continue fighting, and when Damon is just about to drive the stake through Katherine's heart Jeremy comes and says "Everything you're doing to her is hurting Elena" both Stefan and Damon stop. On vampire watch duty, Jo and Alaric discuss their upcoming wedding, then Elena interrupts their makeout session to say she vampire-proofed the B&B. The Ripper of Monterey (Formerly)Stefan Cooper (An Alternate Identity)Sleepy-head, Sweetness (Both by Lexi)Shady Stefan, Saint Stefan, Superman, Beefcake, Stefan: The Hero, Fabio, Hero Stefan, Hero Hairdo, Noble Stefan, Stef, Buzzkill Bob, Baby Bro, Brother, Lily's Little Angel, Mad Max, Baby, Ebenezer, Pal, Bunny Snacking Pacifist (All by Damon)Rippah, Old Friend, Pal (All by Klaus)Kid (by Mikael)Sleepy-head, Gorgeous, Sweet Pea (All by Qetsiyah)My Sweet, Sweet Boy (Both by Lillian)Mr. Salvatore, My Love, Handsome (All by Katherine)The Good Salvatore, Steven (Both by Kai)Love (by Valerie)My Shadow Self, Me (Both by Silas)Toddler (by Lucien Castle) He compels her to leave and never come back. He then embarked on a journey to Nova Scotia with Elena, Shane, Damon, Bonnie, Jeremy, and Rebekah to seek the the cure that can help break the sire bond. One night, Stefan and Katherine had spent a passionate night together. In All My Children, Elena calls Stefan but he declines to answer, an emotionally pained expression on his face. Damon says that they'll do whatever they have to do-he'll throw Rebekah under a school bus and wrap Elena in a burlap sack. Although Stefan was very popular and had many male friends during his human life, Stefan always considered Damon to be his best friend and companion. Klaus then gives his blood, the cure, to Katherine to be delivered to Damon. He introduces her to the Salvatore family tradition of a chocolate shake which is really a ploy to call her out about lying about her relation to the family. As a vampire over 170 years old, this makes Stefan one of the oldest vampires shown throughout the series. Played by Stefan asks what happened to the guy that said that Elena should embrace being a vampire. Stefan Salvatore | Wiki | Mystc Fs Amino An unseen person removes the chains and the lock that bind Stefan to the table. While they talk Damon calls Stefan and asks how is Elena. When it seems appropriate, Stefan can be very fun-loving, upbeat and humorous. They manage to find Damon and Rebekah who were overpowered by Vaughn. She tells him she loves him and that she always will love him, at that moment, Stefan stabs her with the traveler knife. Both of them hug tightly while crying with joy. Caroline tilted her head as she looked at the body, thinking. Rayna is in the chair across from him, telling him that she is exhausted. She tells him he could tell her, or she could torture him for it. So the cure ends up at the original family-Elijah and Rebekah go back to Mystic Falls. Stefan returns to Klaus, who has extracted the wolf pack information from Ray. Stefan then lights a Japanese floating lantern in memory of his Uncle Zach, his best friend Lexi and for Alaric. Later, He witnesses how Katherine (in Elena's body) breaks up with Damon, and tries to be there for him but he turns him down. Stefan is immediately able to "sense" Elena's mind and presence out of everyone else's minds within the entire school and he notices that her mind is significantly different then everyone else's, although, Stefan cannot understand why is able to feel this way towards Elena, who happens to be a complete and total stranger to him. Damon is later taken by Rebekah and tortured. He goes outside and stops her. They have a conversation. Stefan's aliases and nicknames include Stefan Pine, Shady Stefan, Silent Stefan, Stef, Ripper of Monterrey, Scholarly Stefan, Savior Stefan and Saint Stefan. Stefan is surprised by this. After reaching the corner, Stefan bitterly retorts that not telling Elena the truth- as Damon suggested 'is Damon speak for let's just do what's right for me'. Stefan was left behind to believe that Valerie just used him and eventually moved on from her. Now, Stefan is still teaching Lily to drive. Stefan leaves and goes to Damon who was surprised to see his brother. Katherine was healed of a knife wound by Rose and hung herself. The Vampire Diaries: 8 Facts About Stefan Many Fans Don't - ScreenRant Stefan was his father Giuseppe's favorite son. He was determined to make him suffer as he was still mad at him for making him turn. Later when it's revealed that Stefan has another living relative Sarah Nelson (who was born as Sarah Salvatore), Enzo tries to use the information as leverage before Stefan shoots down his hopes of it ruining his relationship with Damon. This statement seems to have an emotional impact on Stefan. She tells him she's just passing through town. Maria tries hitting the brakes, but it nothing happens. He is roughly 350 years younger than his novels counterpart. Ever the perfect manpire, Stefan tells her: "You live your life, you heal, and in the meantime, we're friends." she/they Kill A Salvatore Without memory Stefan wanted to feed on people, and theorized that the reason he had lost control was an attempt to escape the constant feelings of guilt and responsibility he bore after turning Damon but that would no longer be a problem since he didn't have those terrible memories; interestingly enough, Memories Stefan had once confirmed this. Stefan scrutinizes the special bullets, intrigued by the etchings on them. Later, Stefan joins Caroline, Alaric and Matt at Whitmore and confesses to them that he handed over Enzo to Tripp. She promises to be careful, and they share a moment leaning forehead to forehead. Bonnie says that she knows how to bring Jeremy back-she has to complete the third massacre for Silas so that she could drop the veil between this side and the other side. Despite everything that's happened, they still care about each other deeply and are supportive of one another. Stefan pleaded for her to stop him, then reminded Liam about their talk earlier and asked him where he was. On one such night of revelry, the club was attacked by what appeared to be the police. Klaus threatens to kill everyone Stefan has ever met, and Stefan says that if he does that, he will never see his family again. She says that she thinks Damon was right, she doesn't even deserve to be loved. Soon, however, Elena begins to feel sick, pushes Stefan away, runs away with vampire speed and vomits up the animal blood. Klaus announces that Jeremy will draw the tattoo for them, though Jeremy insists he won't help him. Afterwards, Stefan convinces Bonnie to create a lapis ring for Caroline and begins to teach her how to live on the animal diet. Stefan is seven years younger than his brother Damon. Damon, Elena and Stefan discuss the situation and Elena says that they need to hide Amara and keep her alive so that they can use that again Silas. Stefan explains that this is his home and he's not going anywhere. Desperate to save Elena, Stefan quietly plots with Rebekah. Stefan remains adamant until Damon reveals that Elena hasn't been able to keep any blood down, including animal blood, human blood from a blood bag and Damon's blood. Stefan was always willing to lend a helping hand when it is needed most and he will put the needs of others before his own. It's about time to accept the person that she is right now and start living the rest of her life. After they no longer hear Tyler, Stefan and Elena run into the lab after Bonnie's screams of help where they are stunned to find an unconscious April, Stefan feeds her his blood to heal her and forces Bonnie to get herself and April out of the school. He was seen to be chivalrous, gallant, romantic, well-mannered, courteous and polite, traits which made Katherine Pierce fall deeply for the younger Salvatore. In the meantime Rebekah and Damon are attacked by Vaughn and manage to overpower him while Bonnie is talking with Shane (who is actually Silas pretending to be Shane) who is trying to convince her that there is a way to bring Jeremy back to life. Having avoided him all day, Caroline is finally forced to face him. Unknown to Stefan, it was actually his mother who took the money, trying to flee from her husband with her sons. Over dinner, Caroline and Enzo interrogate Stefan through polite dinner conversation. Valerie puts him at ease by telling him that those flowers have no medicinal properties, they are a wives tale. Later, Caroline's mom walks in as Stefan walks out but she faints and Stefan is there to catch her. Stefan tells Jesse that he can smell the blood and he wants to drink it. Liz is rushed back to the hospital. - Stefan Salvatore "The real animal is still out there. Matt ask what's going on and Stefan says The spell unravels the witch magic and that it's spreading and without the magic, that he is just someone who was shot by his dad, Matt tells them to lets keep running. Stefan and Caroline and Enzo find Lily searching for her friends. She apologies for her involvement to the Salvatore's and leaves. They got Katherine out of the cage, but as soon as they were ready to escape with her, Damon was shot by an unknown person. Damon walks in and tells him, "You did really well tonight." He talks to Damon and tells him that the ring wont bring Jeremy back because he was a hunter, which meant he wasn't an ordinary human but a supernatural individual which meant that the ring won't work.

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stefan salvatore kill count