If the name of your Host Organisation does not appear in the pre-populated list, please email academy-awards@nihr.ac.uk. Applicants can select the WTE they wish to hold the fellowship at between 50% and 100%. As with all aspects of the application, the justification for the support requested will be assessed as part of the review process. Normally after a period of 3 years has passed you will be able to apply again for the same Fellowship, if you have previously had 2 unsuccessful applications. Costs of computers are normally restricted to a maximum of 1000 each excluding VAT and a statement of justification must be included, in the relevant Justification of Costs section for any purchase above this limit. The DHSC is the Data Controller and LTHT is the Data Processor under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) EC 2016/679. Indirect costs will be charged in proportion to the amount of research staff effort requested on the award. All candidates will need understanding of the research and theoretical underpinnings of knowledge mobilisation practices, and to be able to apply this to the development of a substantial research component in their project. This will determine the options that appear below for your professional background. 2023 dates will be posted when published but is likely to have a closing date in July. In either case, it's important that NIHR programmes currently fund HEIs at a maximum of 80% of full economic cost, NHS bodies, social care organisations and other providers of NHS services in England 100% and commercial/other partner organisations at 100%. Applicants who are active clinicians (defined as being either a registered doctor, dentist or other registered healthcare professionals eligible to apply for the. ) If you are interested Please note the salary figures need to be calculated using the current annual costs (basic salary, geographical allowance and on-costs), %WTE and number of months. A. Information collected from you will not be shared outside the EEA without your consent. Please note that this section also includes Shared Staff Costs which is located under directly allocated costs in some other funders applications. Explain why your approach to patient and public involvement is appropriate for this proposal. These are the patient care costs that would continue to be incurred if the patient care service in question continued to be provided after the R&D activity has stopped. The fellowship is between 2 and 5 years and can be completed on a full-time or part-time basis - between 50% and 100% whole time equivalent (WTE). If the application was unsuccessful, please indicate why and detail how this application differs from previous submission(s) and how any feedback received has been used to inform this application. Applicants who are active clinicians (defined as being either a registered doctor, dentist or other registered healthcare professionals eligible to apply for the Integrated Clinical Academic programme) or social workers, are able to request up to 40% of their time be dedicated to clinical service/development/practice, which will be covered by the Fellowship. Proposals will most likely involve close collaboration with NIHR-funded research team(s), either building on the work of a single project or linking a number of related projects to support knowledge mobilisation within a particular field. Views From an ICA Doctoral Fellowship Panel Member - Professor Jackie Cassell, Brighton and Sussex Medical School. Knowledge from research that NIHR funds is not always taken up where it is most needed, which limits the realisation of its potential value. Post a Job. How will you inform and engage patients/service users, carers, NHS, social care and the wider population about your work? Please provide a breakdown of research costs associated with undertaking the research and provide justification for the resources requested. It is also possible to undertake a Fellowship less than full time to allow for clinical service/training to take place outside of the Fellowship. Applicants from clinical or social care practice are able to include up to 20% clinical/practice time as part of the . Please do not include any Clinical Excellence or Discretion/Merit awards or discretionary points. For example, if you were a Clinical Lecturer and undertook research for 2.5 days a week and clinical/practice work for 2.5 days per week; please enter 50% for that position. Participants are required to review the declaration for the role before confirming participation as part of the one-click confirm process. Your application must have been submitted by the deadline and the signatory must have approved your application by this time using the Academy Research Awards Management Information System (ARAMIS) online application system. Please be aware that the research award does NOT include NHS Support and/or Treatment Costs. The NIHR Doctoral Fellowship is a three year full-time award that supports individuals to undertake a PhD in an area of that falls within the NIHR remit. Track record of Host Department(s) in the research area being proposed. These can be lease or purchase costs. You will be expected to remain in touch with the BRC Training and Education Manager ( Karen.bell@medsci.ox.ac.uk) during the funding period. INVOLVE is funded by the NIHR, to support active public involvement in NHS, public health and social care research. In partnership with your local R&D office, we encourage you to involve yourlocal CRN teamin discussions as early as possible when planning your study to fully benefit from the support theNIHRCRN offers as outlined in theirStudy Support Service. We would also strongly encourage interested applicants to contact the relevant charity partner to discuss their research area of interest further. Applicants should seek their advice on the appropriate title to use and access to training opportunities post-award. Do not include abstracts, conference proceedings or articles in preparation. The purchase cost of pieces of equipment, valued up to 5,000 excluding VAT, will be considered. Applicants thinking of including a clinical trial, feasibility or pilot study as part of their application, or are undertaking a research and/or training related to clinical trials are encouraged to consider working with aCTUwhere appropriate. Individuals previously granted an NIHR Knowledge Mobilisation Fellowship or an NIHR Knowledge Mobilisation Research Fellowship are ineligible for funding through this scheme. Proposals must show a clear link to improving disease outcomes and/or improvements in health. NIHR Charity Partnership Fellowships will follow the same review process as standard Fellowships, with all applications being considered by the NIHR alongside each other. Proposals will also involve close collaborations with the users of the research within the health and social care setting. In the same way, the contractor is expected to respond to any queries relating to Intellectual Property, commercialisation and benefit realisation. Through innovative practice and systematic study of that practice, the aim is to advance knowledge and understanding about research use, influence and impact. Reduced opportunities to career support e.g., mentorship, and limited opportunities to undertake prior research and training. Where patient care is being provided which differs from the normal, standard, treatment for that condition (either an experimental treatment or a service in a different location from where it would normally be given), the difference between the total Treatment Costs and the costs of the usual standard care" (if any) constitutes Excess Treatment Cost/Saving, but is nonetheless part of the Treatment Cost, not an NHS Support or Research Cost. Clinical applicants from Northern Ireland looking to make an application should discuss further with the Northern Ireland Office if they are looking to undertake any clinical service during the time of the Fellowship. The NIHR is looking for innovative and creative proposals that seek to increase the effectiveness of knowledge mobilisation within NHS settings (and other publicly funded organisations providing health or social care services, as described above), and increase our understanding of knowledge mobilisation and implementation processes. 4. fellowship interview. Mitigating factors may include: Please also use this section to detail any other factors that may have impacted your research career not listed in the examples provided. AnNIHRFellowship award requires that the award holder has a contract of employment with the host organisation for the duration of the Fellowship. ARC Dementia Fellowships - apply by 16th October. - ARC the NIHR. It made me feel professional, but also lucky AND has a good collar so looks smart on zoom. Previous experience in these fields means that that an individual may still be eligible to apply, but whatever their background, they must propose a new focus for their activities that will add substantial and demonstrable value. The NIHR Doctoral Fellowship is a three year full-time award that supports individuals to undertake a PhD in applied health or social care research. My thesis investigates experiences of treatment-resistant depression to improve care pathways. If an allegation of plagiarism is raised against an application this will be investigated in accordance with the NIHR Academy Executives policy on plagiarism, a copy of which is available on request from. The signatory approval will result in the application being submitted to the NIHR. It was noted that variation in applicant characteristic was not independent of one another. Some programmes may offer opportunities for additional support pre- or post-PhD. Details are available for the latest Fellowship Round in Funding Opportunities. Please see the 'Application Submission Process Flow Diagram (Annex C) for further information. Failing to validate your answers may result in you being unable to submit your application by the required deadline. If relevant, details of these may be included in the Applicant Research Background section. Be intending to register for and complete a PhD. An adjustment for inflation will be made annually thereafter at rates set byDHSC. The terms multiple long-term conditions or multimorbidity refer to the existence of two or more long-term conditions in a single individual. Please specify the hourly rate and the number of hours and note that consultants must not be people who are already employed by the applicants institution. If there are no NHS Support or Excess Treatment Costs associated with the research, you must explain why you think this is the case. The submission procedure and deadline for applying for jointly funded NIHR Charity Partnership Fellowships is the same as the standard NIHR Fellowship application. To support your research plan, you are able to upload the following documents in the uploads section of the form: SoECAT form: Please upload a completed SoECAT form that has been signed off by an AcoRD Specialist. In most cases applicants will not be able to request more than 8 years worth of funding across 2 Advanced Fellowships, however there may be certain exceptional circumstances where more than 8 years worth of funding is appropriate. NERC - the Natural Environment Research Council Swindon. The signatory approval will result in the application being submitted to the NIHR. If there is anything specific you wish to mention in your application, please do so in the Mitigating Factors section of the application form. Future Leaders Fellowships: round 8 - Swindon - NERC - the Natural Please give details of the organisation who will be the contractor if the project is funded. Where relevant, NIHR will make an estimated maximum contribution of 4,596 per year, based on UK Research & Innovation 2022/23 published PhD fees. Researchers and/ or their study teams and Research Sponsor/ Lead NHS Provider (e.g., R&D office/ Clinical Trial Unit) are supported by AcoRD Specialists in the Local CRN to verify the accuracy of the SoECAT. The finance section includes a section that asks researchers to provide an estimate of the patient care costs associated with the research (if applicable). Applied to medical school - 5 rejections - PowerPoint PPT Presentation. No exceptions will be made. Researchers applying forNIHRfunding are asked to consider the carbon footprint of their research and take steps to reduce carbon emissions where appropriate. Please make sure you read all available guidance text including this document as well as any online instructions thoroughly whilst you are completing the form. Individuals must not already hold a Chair at the point of application. Social care research falls within the remit and terms of theHRA. Overseas visits (excluding conference attendance) are normally restricted to one visit per Fellowship and a maximum duration of 3 months. 2. There is no registration fee forNIHRfunded trials. Non-NHS intervention costs should include costs incurred in delivering the intervention which would continue to be incurred after the trial, should the intervention become standard care. Please indicate clearly any co-applicants and provide brief details of the nature and full extent of your involvement (e.g., project design, project management, day to day running, data collection, data analysis, writing papers for publication, etc.). The Advanced Fellowship is for those at a post-doctoral level and can be . Ten years of NIHR research training: who got an award? A retrospective will need to complete all of the mandatory sections of the form and enter under the Participants and Signatory section the names and contact details of participants and the signatory. Publicly funded health or social care bodies may be providers or commissioners of services. Youshould include; the training and development the collaboration will provide; the facilities and expertise you will have access to; and how the collaboration will strengthen links between academia, industry and the NHS/social care. Please consider the following questions when completing this section: In describing the anticipated impact of the expected outputs on the health and care of patients, service users, carers, the public, and on health and care services, please consider; patient. Have completed any relevant pre-registration training (for clinical academic applicants), Have completed a first degree (for non-clinical applicants). The award runs three times a year opening in January, May and September and will support a mixture of researcher-led applications and applications from areas of strategic importance. NIHR will make an estimated maximum contribution of 4,596 per year, based on UK Research & Innovation 2022/23 published PhD fees. Guidance Notes NIHR School for Primary Care Research Post-doctoral NIHR see the responsibility for training the next generation of research leaders as a joint enterprise with host organisations. Please seek advice from your finance department about the appropriate cost for this section. This opportunity available through the LOFT program is for Hispanic students. Its time for a wide range of researchers to get involved in mental health researchWorking at the interface of academia, industry and health and careUsing a clinical academic career to keep patients at the forefront of my work, Closing date for submission of online application, Development and Skills Enhancement Award Selection Committee December 2021, Development and Skills Enhancement Award Round 4-6 - funding recommendation meeting public minutes, Collaborations, service and support for your research, Access facilities for early stage research, Access data, patient cohorts or samples support, Participant in research experience survey, clinical academic programmes provided by NIHR, Pre-doctoral Fellowship Round 5 Guidance Notes, Pre-doctoral Fellowship Selection Committee, Pre-doctoral Fellowship Round 4 Chairs Report, NIHR Pre-doctoral Fellowship Potential Supervisors 2023, NIHR Pre-doctoral Fellowship Potential CTU Host Organisations, Potential Masters Level Courses for Round 5 NIHR Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, Doctoral and Advanced Fellowships - Round 8 Guidance Notes, Doctoral and Advanced Fellowships - Round 9 Guidance Notes, NIHR Doctoral Fellowship Round 5 Public Minutes, NIHR Doctoral Fellowship Round 5 Chairs' Report. Kate Concannon sur LinkedIn : #socialwork Depending on professional background and expertise, applicants are not necessarily expected to have an extensive list of publications. Please note; if you are applying for an NIHR Charity Partnership Fellowship, your information (including your NIHR application form and subsequent progress/annual reports) will be shared with the charitable organisation as part of the review process and ongoing monitoring of the award. HEIs are permitted to claim estate and other indirect costs. NIHR agrees to fund consultant salaries at a full-time rate equivalent to 10 Programmed Activities per week. The fellowship can be undertaken over a 12, 18 or 24 month period depending on the level of training required, and applicants have the option to complete it on a full or part time basis. Please click the check box to confirm you agree to the Terms and Conditions of submission as detailed on the application form. The applicant(s) should consult their HEI Finance Departments for the appropriate figures to include in the estate charges and other indirect cost sections. Please note, this Fellowship is not open to clinical applicants looking to undertake training in research methods. You should describe the value for money of the conduct of the proposed research. We use an adapted version of theNIHRStandard Application Form (SAF). Subscribe to Podcast. Whilst applications within a Themed Call are encouraged, they wont be prioritised in the same way as Strategic Themes. The MS Society is interested in funding research that falls within their Research Strategy remit. Proposed studies should be within the remit of the NIHR and should concern the impact on health and well-being, whether of patients/service users, carers, the public, or of the workforce itself. promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in research. Please itemise and describe the requirements fully (e.g., postage, stationery, photocopying). Using all of the headings (in the order presented) and guidance below, please use this section to clearly explain your proposed research. Where applicants are already receiving salaries funded by NIHR, these should be declared in the application. Please be realistic about your possible start date taking account of the necessary contracting, and staff recruitment prior to starting your project. Please note: social care studies are eligible for Clinical Research Network (CRN) support, it does not just apply to NHS-based research, and researchers should speak to the CRN and include support costs where relevant. Subsistence covers accommodation (if necessary) and meals associated with the travel, excluding any alcoholic beverages. UK Biobank recruited 500,000 people aged between 40-69 years in 2006-2010 from across the country to take part in this project. Up to 2 Doctoral Fellowships or Advanced Fellowships, Name: Martin CordinerRole: Funding ManagerE-Mail: martin.cordiner@nhs.netTel: 0207 566 2565Moorfields Eye Charity website. This Fellowship supports individuals to undertake a PhD in an area of NIHR research. For personal doctoral-level awards the proposal: For Advanced Fellowships, early translational (experimental medicine) research is within remit. 20%) may be allocated to clinical/practice time for service and/or training. This includes an annual NIHR Academy conference and Doctoral Training Camp. Interview Questions. Doctoral applicants should give details of proposed supervisor(s) (up to 4) and the support they will provide. I decided to wear the same dress I wore at my successful NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship interview AND at my PhD viva. Details of the required individuals are provided on the online application form along with details of how they should added. It should be noted that being a signatory to Concordats or holding bronze/silver status from the Equality Charters isnt a requirement of funding and evidence can be provided through other means. If this is the case, it is important that you make clear in your application that the research overall fits within the remit of NIHR and also why any elements which could be considered out of remit are necessary to include. Positions can be based at any of the 9 School members. Travel and subsistence costs relating to dissemination should also be included here, as should costs relating to overseas travel. Careful thought should be given to a) the experience of your chosen supervisors, b) maintaining contact, and c) the potential for difficulties of communication and conflicting opinions and advice when there are more than two supervisors. Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft. In general terms, mitigating factors should be significant, and relevant. NIHR Doctoral Fellowship "The NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship is a brilliant opportunity that I will use to explore how best to improve the prognosis for people with bone and joint infections, without resorting to longer courses of antibiotics, which can cause serious side effects and antibiotic resistance. All costs in this section will be funded at up to 100% for HEI, NHS, social care and commercial/other partner organisations. PhD Fellowships for Health Professionals | Wellcome Please also select the duration of award between 2 and 5 years WTE. . It is expected that the research will have the potential for practical application and the potential impact on patients/service users, carers and the public must be made clear. You will find a. button in the left-hand menu. All components of your application, including supporting documents for the Uploads section, must be submitted by the deadline. Details of the individual who will be required to approve your application after submission (the signatory) should be entered in the Participants & Signatory' section. Assistance is primarily focused around refinement of research questions, research design and methodological support. New NIHR Fellows to join leading research groups | News | University of 1 A4 page detailing specific milestone and deliverables. Therefore, information should also be provided on the organisations track record of supporting early career researchers, such as evidence of bridging or other support provided to fellows upon completion of an award. . Relevant previous research experience and/or training suitable for undertaking a PhD in applied health or social care research. . Proposed studies should be within the remit of the NIHR, and the outcomes measured should be health/social care related, or there should be good evidence for a link between the outcome measured and a health/social care outcome. Further details aboutLCRN contacts are available. If you are applying for a Doctoral Fellowship under the topic ofMLTC-M, please indicate this in the Detailed Research Plan. Please note that mentors (including supervisors and individuals named as providing research support) expenses, If a cost relates to travel, subsistence or fees for a. The application form needs to be submitted by the published deadline. 06 July 2021. Please use this question to detail any mitigating factors you wish to make the Selection Committee aware of. Therefore, the aim of this secondary analysis was to investigate the inter-relationships in . My supervisors are Professor Sara Ryan, Professor Kamal Mahtani, and Dr. Charlotte Albury and I am based in the Medical Sociology and Health Experiences Research Group (MS&HERG). Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) should determine the Full Economic Cost (FEC) of their research using the Transparent Approach to Costing (TRAC) methodology. Proposed host must be an English (or a participating devolved nation)HEI, NHS body or other provider of health and/or care services. Moorfields Eye Charity is interested in funding research in eye health, vision research, ophthalmic related service improvement, education or clinical practice. Your data may be shared across the NIHR, including with other coordinating centres, to allow the application to be managed and for statistical analysis, and with external grant reviewers as part of the process for managing the allocation of a grant. All other activities must be undertaken outside the percentage time declared as the basis of the Fellowship. Please use this opportunity to describe how you plan to manage and coordinate the patient and public involvement activities in your project. Awards can only be undertaken with the WTE options given. Applicants from Northern Ireland should seek guidance from Northern Ireland Office before applying. Applicants are encouraged to consider whether Biobank may be able to provide suitable data for their study. fund 12-month Fellowships aimed at offering the holder protected research time which will be used primarily to develop proposals for a larger Doctoral Fellowship Award application (e.g. Please note that successful applications from applicants based in Wales or Northern Ireland will be managed by their R&D office. The declaration for applicants from the Devolved Administrations must be completed by an authorised representative of the research and development function from the devolved country you are applying from. questionnaires/tests/intervention/focus groups/ interviews. Please note that only applicants with researchPhDsare eligible. You must ensure all participants are happy for your application to be submitted before submitting it on the online system. Overview of research methods to capture data from participants and their frequency e.g. (PPTX) Professor Anne Lingford -Hughes - DOKUMEN.TIPS Inclusion and exclusion criteria to help ensure that certain groups were not being excluded without justification. However there will be the following exceptions: NB: This does not include applications to predecessors of the current programme (e.g., Doctoral Research Fellowships (DRFs), Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PDFs), Transitional Research Fellowships (TRFs), Career Development Fellowships (CDFs), Senior Research Fellowships (SRFs) or Clinician Scientist). ), and would like investigators, where appropriate, to ask study participants to consent to long term follow up (e.g.
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