benefits of knowledge in the bible

If we grow in godliness, we will have the satisfaction of knowing that our lives are fruitful in light of eternity. You read in Romans 15:5-6 of Gods design that we are to work together as one for His glory. And I saw that wisdom excels folly as light excels darkness. 3 Places to Find Wisdom. There is no need to be a weak, anaemic Christian. Effective written communication skills to . No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:23 Gods word is truth. Verse Concepts. Verse 23 tells us this. As a pastor, its easy to fall into the trap of thinking that fruitfulness is measured in terms of numbers: If I can pastor a large, growing church, write best-selling books, and travel all over the world to influence thousands of other Christian leaders, I will be fruitful. Ministering to large numbers may indicate success in human terms, but we need to measure fruitfulness by Gods criteria. Father God is patient with those who are ignorant, and Jesus understands the weakness of the flesh. One day as I was jogging in the woods, I asked the Lord one of those far beyond all you can ask or think prayers. Proud member Please help me to live for you, Jesus, for the rest of my life. By His divine power, He has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness (1:3). How did she do it? True, good knowledge comes from God as a giftfrom His own mouthto those who have understanding (Daniel 2:21; Proverbs 2:6). Please refer to the image below these scriptures for a summary. teaching of a personal God who is holy and just and who expects those who know him to exhibit his character in the many practical affairs of life.1. These are just a few benefits of Bible study, friend, but there are many more (keep an eye out for more in an upcoming post)! I had read about wisdom, understanding, and knowledge in the Bible but never given it much thought previously. Related: 11 Benefits That Come From Reading The Bible. Matthew 4:4reminds us that physical food isnt all we need, but we also need Gods words to survive. Life is a vapor (James 4:14)! but hisdelight is in the law of theLord,and on hislaw he meditates day and night. In Latin, there is a phrase called summum bonum, which means "the highest good out of which all other good flows.". We have the very life of God in us. I help to develop spiritual champions for end-time living. look up Psalm 107:2 and John 3:14-15. And knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. Have you returned to God by receiving Christ as your own personal Saviour? 106 Powerful Affirmations towards Your Desired Life, How to Know The Power of The Lords Prayer, The Wonderful Secrets to the Best Life in Jesus, Powerful Scriptures on Gods Will You Want to Know, Wonderful Ways to Stand Fast as a Child of God, Embrace the Most Fascinating Help You Will Ever Need. In Proverbs 1:27-29, God warned His people that in times of calamity, they would call out to Him, but He would not answer, because they hated knowledge and did not fear Him. We will not fall away from the faith. But solid food is forthe mature, for those who have their powersof discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.. It increases our knowledge of God. Paul desired that believers love would keep on abounding and growing in knowledge and discernment (Philippians 1:9). 2 My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee; 2 So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding; 3 Yea, if thou c is beneath the surface. There are at least five reasons why knowledge and understanding are important for Christ-followers. He actually outlived his famous son. He makes the pursuit of an understanding of Gods Word a chief business of his life.. . This does not mean that you must go into so-called full time Christian ministry. Rather, it means that in whatever situation you find yourself, whether at home, at school, or at work, you have the mindset that you want to be useful and fruitful for the Lord Jesus Christ. 9 Bible verses about Benefits Of Knowledge - Knowing Jesus The Lord, however, grants knowledge to those who have an honest relationship with him. The answer is, God changed your heart so that now you desire to grow in godliness so that you will grow to know Him better. Human intellect needs to be redeemed so believers will have the mind of Christ and have their thoughts transformed (1 Corinthians 2:16; Romans 12:2). How to deal with those who have hurt you. Knowledge, he says, deals with knowing the facts. (16:16), Discretion will guard you,Understanding will watch over you. Scripture is life and nourishment to us as believers, and meant to help us thrive as we walk out the life of faith. In 1 Corinthians 12, the apostle Paul lists nine gifts of the Spirit. Therefore knowledge is emphasized in the Bible as the highest priority. What Does It Mean That There Is No One Holy Like God? While there are numerous ways that reading the Bible brings us closer to God and benefits us daily. One cannot understand the fight against slavery, the women's suffrage movement, or the Civil Rights movement without knowledge of the Bible. Grow in Grace - 2 Peter 3:17 Meaning Explained - Crosswalk The word of knowledge is one of the revelatory gifts and has been known to manifest with a sense of urgency. The Bible uses this of Gods all-knowing And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or farms for My names sake, will receive many times as much, and will inherit eternal life.. You can gain knowledge by reading a book on becoming a better homemaker or how to cook the best apple pie, but when you read the Bible, you gain wisdom that will strengthen you, give you peace, give you joy and equip you to face lifes difficulties. It cannot be valued in the gold of Ophir,In precious onyx, or sapphire. Without keeping the cross in view, you will drift into ungodly living and will waste your life in light of eternity. Why expend the energy and discipline to set your alarm early enough to get out of bed and spend time with the Lord each morning? Nobody in their right mind would set out at age 20 and say, Id like to waste my life! Nobody writes out a plan for a wasted life: I think Ill devote three hours per day, 21 hours per week, to watching television! (That is the national average!) The word of knowledge is a revelatory gift and often works in unison with other gifts of the Spirit. My prayer is that you will search them out as you continually seek to add knowledge in your life. We should want this knowledge so that our lives can be more like Him and live according to his will. The Bible has so much to say about knowledge, both good and bad. Peter encouraged believers to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. So we all competed with one another to find sesquipedalian, osculate, cogitate, petulant, and all the other words. Godpredicted that in the last days knowledge will increase, but the knowledge of the world is not the same as biblical knowledge. First, have you heard the call to repent of your sins and believe in Christ and did you obey that call? Therefore, forgiveme of all my sins and come into my heart as my Lord and Saviour. To grow in godliness requires applying all diligence, because you wont grow effortlessly. He created human intellect, giving mankind the ability to think, comprehend, reason, and remember. Its easy to be busy in the Lords work, but I dont want to be just busyI want to be useful and fruitful. Our bodies are the temples (tabernacles) of God (1 Corinthians 6:19), and when and as we really know God we shall share His hatred of sin and we shall deal with it look up 2 Corinthians 7:1. Ask the Spirit to reveal any roadblocks that may be standing in the way of you operating in a word of knowledge. A wise man is strong,And a man of knowledge increases power. Therefore, we must align ourselves with the Word and our spiritual assignments. It will give us assurance of salvation. It didnt start with Eves first bite. However, the reason so many Christians are weak is because they have not pursued diligently the knowledge of God and His Word. That speaks of His good pleasure, of His guidance, of His blessing look up Numbers 6:24-26; Psalm 90:17; Proverbs 4:18 and 10:22. The original Hebrew word emphasizes accuracy and the ability to sense what What happens when people are ignorant of the knowledge of God, and why is knowledge important for Christ-followers? Thomas Schreiner explains (ibid., p. 306, italics his), Peter was not concerned here about rewards but whether people will enter the kingdom at all. But, to put it positively, how can I be useful and fruitful in my Christian life? Hello, my name is Kenny Gatlin. Knowledge forever pursues the truth. Intermittent fasting (starting at 12 hrs . We absolutely need our pastor sowing the Word of God into us continually, so that our knowledge of God is always increasing. This is one of the most impactful and important benefits of reading the Bible. The benefits of reading the Bible include this incredible joy that we receive only from Him. All that said, the Bible warns about a danger of knowledge. Thats why Paul said, I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil (Romans 16:19). For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror.. When we understand more about who God is and what He desires for our lives, we can develop a deeper relationship with Him. and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.. Wisdom comes from God Almighty. Far too many people are skipping the church services where their answers are being revealed by their pastor as he ministers from gods Word. Verse Concepts. Jesus reminds us inJohn 17:17that it is Gods word is truth. Paul warned, knowledge puffs up while love builds up.. Certainly, daily Bible reading, study, and meditation are a good starting point. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times. John Spurgeon was the father of the famous Charles. Of course, there is a great difference between knowing God and simply knowing about Him. Christians are instructed to grow in knowledge of Jesus (2 Peter 3:18); and they will find that godly knowledge will be pleasant to their soul (Proverbs 2:10). D.L. Even if you are already a believer, rereading the words reminds us that He gave His only son for us to live in Him. It doesnt happen without deliberate, concentrated effort. And an advantage to those who see the sun. look up 2 Chronicles 29:16-17, and compare Psalm 51:6. Peter further explains the idea from 1:10a: for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble. These things refers back to verses 5-7. Copyright 2015-2017 Kenny Gatlin Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved. But since Peter has talked about the true knowledge of Christ in reference to conversion (1:3), I understand him here (1:8) to be saying, If you have truly come to know the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be growing in godliness and seeking to be useful and fruitful in serving Him.. To me, this has become one of the most important benefits of reading the Bible. Some understand verse 9 to be referring to those who are not truly saved, who may have been following the false teachers. What a glorious promise of results in our work! Please contact us or click here to learn more about how to enable JavaScript on your browser. The Hebrew root yada [ [;d"y ],translated "know"/"knowledge, " appears almost 950 times in the Hebrew Bible. Most Christians are not diligent about anything in their Christian walk, which explains why things often turn out the way they do in their lives. Believers can ask God for more knowledge (Psalm 119:66). The subject of knowledge first deals with our intellect. The unfolding of your words gives light;it impartsunderstanding to the simple.. Proverbs 11:9 Verse Concepts With his mouth the godless man destroys his neighbor, But through knowledge the righteous will be delivered. Bible study brings strength and guidance for life. Basics of Biblical Aramaic, Second Edition by Miles V. Van Pelt is designed for students who are already familiar with biblical Hebrew and . One of the spiritual disciplines and a sign of spiritual maturity is daily time reading and studying Gods Word. That seems unrealistic, in that we all stumble in many ways (James 3:2). Knowledge and understanding help believers identify, avoid, and rebuke false teaching (2 Thessalonians 3:14; 2 John 1:10; 1 Timothy 5:19-20; 6:3-5). What Is Knowledge In The Bible Yoga Kali 1 Corinthians 8:2 Verse Concepts If anyone supposes that he knows anything, he has not yet known as he ought to know; 1 Corinthians 13:8 Does the prospect of heaven motivate you to live for Christ now? Bible Verses about Knowledge - Bible Study Tools Sign up to receive Chuck Swindoll's Daily Devotional in your inbox seven days a week. Through God's words we gain an understanding that God is the one who gives the gift of knowledge- that is an understanding or awareness of something. Know that wisdom is thus for your soul;If you find it, then there will be a future,And your hope will not be cut off. And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver. God tells us plainly He that wins souls is wise (Proverbs 11:30). First, we must understand that the Holy Spirit is our Counselor, distributing His gifts into our lives. Dont waste it living for selfish pursuits or for things that will perish. It is a supernatural knowledge that manifests as a vision, dream, thought, voice, or feeling. A disciple does not dabble in learning. What are the benefits of knowing God? You may already have a different definition of wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, and now you are wondering why you need to know about this one. Can a true Christian fall away from the faith permanently? In Hosea, God harshly admonished and punished the Israelites for not paying any attention to Him and forgetting His law. Verse 28 tells us this: and light will shine on your ways. Verse 10 follows from and applies verses 8 & 9: Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you. Brethren shows that Peter is talking to Christians here. To enjoy the amazing benefit from having wisdom and knowledge, once you have acquired them, you need to do the following: Wisdom is God, and He desires for you to know and understand Him. As believers learn to fear God, the knowledge of the Holy One brings understanding (Proverbs 9:10). In verse 10, Peter brings together two things that we often separate: Gods sovereignty in calling and choosing us and our responsibility to be diligent to grow in godliness so that we grow in assurance about Gods calling and choosing us. And Moses blessed them. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of all understanding. If we really know God and are working according to His gracious will, none of our work will be lost look up Mark 14:8-9; 1 Corinthians 15:58; and Galatians 6:9. Good comes to those who are adding the knowledge of God to their life continually. Because human knowledge is limited, and without God the intellect is darkened, humans are unable to grasp truths about God (1 Corinthians 2:14) without Him. They had become virtually blind to what Christ had done for them in cleansing them from their sins. Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge are Spirits. In light of these great benefits, be diligent to grow in godliness. If youre not living with a view to how God can use you to bear fruit for His kingdom, then youre wasting your life. Learning to walk in the Spirityielding to His controlwill also enable growth in knowledge and understanding, because the Holy Spirit is the Christians greatest teacher. False teachers come up with their wrong doctrine to justify their immoral lifestyles. 2. One benefit is that knowledge can help us grow closer to God. We saw earlier in this article that understanding is the knowledge of the Holy One. Gold or glass cannot equal it,Nor can it be exchanged for articles of fine gold. Your testimonies aremy heritage forever,for they arethe joy of my heart. What Does It Really Mean That Your Body Is a Temple? Guard your heart. Here are some other verses that remind us of how we should be longing for God and His Word.

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benefits of knowledge in the bible