the humidity in coastal areas is usually

mostly temperate, but tropical in Hawaii and Florida, arctic in Alaska, semiarid in the great plains west of the Mississippi River, and arid in the Great Basin of the southwest; low winter temperatures in the northwest are ameliorated occasionally in January and February by warm chinook winds from the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountainsnote: many consider Denali, the highest peak in the US, to be the worlds coldest mountain because of its combination of high elevation and its subarctic location at 63 degrees north latitude; permanent snow and ice cover over 75 percent of the mountain, and enormous glaciers, up to 45 miles long and 3,700 feet thick, spider out from its base in every direction; it is home to some of the worlds coldest and most violent weather, where winds of over 150 miles per hour and temperatures of -93F have been recorded. ASHRAE Standard 55 (2017). These zones generally have wider temperature ranges throughout the year and more distinct seasonal changes compared to tropical climates, where such variations are often small Because it's nearer to a body of water? P Humans are sensitive to humid air because the human body uses evaporative cooling as the primary mechanism to regulate temperature. However, it absorbs the infrared energy emitted (radiated) upward by the earth's surface, which is the reason that humid areas experience very little nocturnal cooling but dry desert regions cool considerably at night. Therefore, the enhancement factor is normally slightly greater than unity for real systems. It forms at low latitudes, generally within 25 degrees of the equator. The reason that humidity is very high in coastal areas is because of the ocean. have shorter growing seasons. Other formulas, such as the GoffGratch equation and the MagnusTetens approximation, are more complicated but yield better accuracy. Theres a good reason why city dwellers flee to the countryside to cool off in the heat of summer: Rural areas are usually not as hot. Please try another search. ) evaporate into a liquid. Normally our weather, notably rain, comes from the oceans. The sun heats ocean waters causing warm water to rise. As this warm water rises it pushe Houston, Miami, San Diego, Osaka, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Tokyo also have an extreme humid period in their summer months. [17] Specific humidity is approximately equal to the mixing ratio, which is defined as the ratio of the mass of water vapor in an air parcel to the mass of dry air for the same parcel. Tropical marine climate As a result, absolute humidity in chemical engineering may refer to mass of water vapor per unit mass of dry air, also known as the humidity ratio or mass mixing ratio (see "specific humidity" below), which is better suited for heat and mass balance calculations. Local Climate Pages Atlantic Ocean - Climate It's near giant bodies of water, heat takes up water vapor at that point, and voila, you have humidity in abundance The sun shines throughout the year, and the rare rains fall from November to March; rainfall totals around [47][48], Higher humidity reduces the infectivity of aerosolized influenza virus. In addition, temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, sunlight hours, and wind speed were important meteorological indexes affecting vibriosis that lag by 3, 8, 8, 2, and 11 weeks, respectively. Airliners operate with low internal relative humidity, often under 20%,[53] especially on long flights. Current Hazards Sooji Nam. Webhot summers and cold winters; areas of high elevation have short, cool summers and long, severe winters; mild, rainy winters along coast. Water is a unique substance. [20] For process on-line measurements, the most commonly used sensors nowadays are based on capacitance measurements to measure relative humidity,[21] frequently with internal conversions to display absolute humidity as well. Absolute and specific humidity are quite similar in concept. Chilling air increases the relative humidity, and can cause the water vapour to condense (if the relative humidity rises over 100%, the dew point). 2 V 2 (b)).Salt fogs are absorbed by an Air mass is the meteorological term for a volume of air with a constant temperature and humidity covering an area. The humidity in coastal areas is usually than ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY: Absolute humidity (expressed as grams of water vapor per cubic meter volume of air) is a measure of the actual amount of water vapor {\displaystyle (f_{w})} Heat convection, to the surrounding air, and thermal radiation are the primary modes of heat transport from the body. For example, with clothing level = 1, metabolic rate = 1.1, and air speed 0.1 m/s, a change in air temperature and mean radiant temperature from 20 C to 24 C would lower the maximum acceptable relative humidity from 100% to 65% to maintain thermal comfort conditions. Outreach Is (Usually What is the number one factor that influences the temperature of most of Earth's locations? Some electronic devices can detect such a change and indicate, when plugged in and usually with a small droplet symbol, that they cannot be used until the risk from condensation has passed. Question 1. The slower the movement of thunderstorms, the higher the rainfall potential in one area. w CoCoRaHS In cooler places such as Northern Tasmania, Australia, high humidity is experienced all year due to the ocean between mainland Australia and Tasmania. Costa Rica Climate The human body dissipates heat through perspiration and its evaporation. Buck has reported that, at sea level, the vapor pressure of water in saturated moist air amounts to an increase of approximately 0.5% over the equilibrium vapor pressure of pure water.[19]. There are various devices used to measure and regulate humidity. It compensates for roughly 70% of the average net radiative warming at the surface. The day-to-day fire weather in a given area depends, to a large extent, on either the character of the prevailing air mass, or the interaction of two or more air masses. [36] In general, higher temperatures will require lower humidities to achieve thermal comfort compared to lower temperatures, with all other factors held constant. Meteorologists routinely consider the "dewpoint" temperature (instead of, but analogous to absolute humidity) to evaluate moisture, especially in the spring and summer. This is a mechanism behind thunderstorms and other weather phenomena. For fast and very accurate measurement the chilled mirror method is effective. Recreation Forecasts, Past Weather The amount of water vapor contained within a parcel of air can vary significantly. Because humans perceive the rate of heat transfer from the body rather than temperature itself, we feel warmer when the relative humidity is high than when it is low. [40][41] The use of a humidifier in homes, especially bedrooms, can help with these symptoms. Absolute humidity in the atmosphere ranges from near zero to roughly 30g (1.1oz) per cubic metre when the air is saturated at 30C (86F).[8][9]. The humidity in coastal areas is usually than that of the When the temperature is high and the relative humidity is low, evaporation of water is rapid; soil dries, wet clothes hung on a line or rack dry quickly, and perspiration readily evaporates from the skin. It simply means that the maximum amount of moisture is in the air at the particular temperature the air is at. Humidity comes from water evaporating from lakes and oceans. Warmer water evaporates more quickly that's why you find the most humid regions clos The same amount of water vapor results in higher relative humidity in cool air than warm air. This is the biggest non-radiative cooling effect at the surface. Finally, there can be a significant change in wind direction and/or speed. The Retrograde: Usually used to denote the movement of a weather system in a direction opposite to that of the normal flow in which the system is embedded. (broken link)", "Vapor-Liquid/Solid System, 201 Class Page", "Weather History for Sukkur, Pakistan Weather Underground", "Radiative Balance, Earth's Temperature, and Greenhouse Gases (lecture notes)", "Lecture 28: Future Global Warming Modeling Climate Change", "Comparing the Greenhouse Effect on Earth, Mars, Venus, and Titan: Present Day and through Time", "Heat and humidity - the lung association", "School Indoor Air Quality: Best Management Practices Manual", "High Humidity Leads to Loss of Infectious Influenza Virus from Simulated Coughs", "Criteria for enhancing mucus transport: a systematic scoping review", "To what degree is a person's body weight affected by the ambient temperature and humidity? Increasing temperatures can change the {\displaystyle P} m US Dept of Commerce This is shown in State C. Above 202.64 kPa, the RH would exceed 100% and water may begin to condense. From what I hear, as the Gulf (the body of water than impacts my area of the country, as it heats in the late spring and summer, a high pressure an 1-Stop Winter Forecast When it is cold outside and the wind is blowing, the wind carries away heat from our bodies faster than if the wind was not blowing. Fort Knox Why Is It More Humid At The Beach? - Coastal Dream Life is defined as the ratio of the saturated vapor pressure of water in moist air Here is the average precipitation. Droplets grow through a process called "collision-coalescence" whereby droplets of varying sizes collide and fuse together (coalesce). Pilots must take humidity into account when calculating takeoff distances, because high humidity requires longer runways and will decrease climb performance. Therefore, gas volume may alternatively be expressed as the dry volume, excluding the humidity content. The relative humidity Brazil climate: average weather, temperature, precipitation Dewpoints as high as 80 or the lower 80s have been recorded, which is very oppressive but fortunately relatively rare. About Our Office is the absolute pressure expressed in millibars, and This is called the "Wind Chill Index" (also known as "Wind Chill Factor"). ( Under humid conditions, the rate at which perspiration evaporates on the skin is lower than it would be under arid conditions. These are cheap, simple, generally accurate and relatively robust. However, as mentioned above, the majority of moisture in the atmosphere is contained roughly within the lowest 10,000 feet. WebTell students that this doesnt happen just in the United States. The higher the amount of water vapor, the higher the absolute humidity. This makes it feel colder to us. Relative humidity only considers the invisible water vapour. ten wettest places on earth (average annual precipitation) describes the annual average precipitation measured in both millimeters and inches for selected countries with climate extremes. These quantities are readily estimated by using a sling psychrometer. It raises the surface temperature substantially above its theoretical radiative equilibrium temperature with the sun, and water vapor is the cause of more of this warming than any other greenhouse gas. For example, according to the heat index, a relative humidity of 75% at air temperature of 80.0F (26.7C) would feel like 83.6F 1.3F (28.7C 0.7C).[13][14]. Environmental humidity is affected by winds and by rainfall. Warmer air is cooled below its dew point, and the excess water vapor condenses. Therefore, the stronger the wind is in the winter, the colder it feels to us and the lower is the wind chill index. - Amount of precipitation. The field concerned with the study of physical and thermodynamic properties of gasvapor mixtures is named psychrometrics. Remote Sensing | Free Full-Text | Aerosol Physical–Optical However, for precipitation to occur, the air must be rising at a sufficient rate to enhance condensation of water vapor into liquid water droplets or ice crystals (depending on air temperature) and to promote growth of water droplets, supercooled droplets, and/or ice crystals in clouds. The enhancement factor If temperature and pressure remain constant, the volume increases, and the dry air molecules that were displaced will initially move out into the additional volume, after which the mixture will eventually become uniform through diffusion.) This area includes the coastal plains and the western slope of the Coastal Range from the Columbia River to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. [2] Humidity indicates the likelihood for precipitation, dew, or fog to be present. Each atmospheric gas has its own vapor pressure, a measure of the These satellites are able to detect the concentration of water in the troposphere at altitudes between 4 and 12km (2.5 and 7.5mi). ) Questions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation Subsequent warming of this air lowers its relative humidity. "Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy". WebThe rainiest month is August, with 100 mm (4 in) on average. 1-Stop Climate Discussion on Humidity - National Weather Service A useful rule of thumb is that the maximum absolute humidity doubles for every 20F (11C) increase in temperature. In humid climates, thunderstorms often cause heavier rain than general wintertime rainfall since moisture content in the air typically is higher in the spring and summer, and since air usually rises at a much more rapid rate within developing thunderstorms than in general winter systems. metropolitan France: generally cool winters and mild summers, but mild winters and hot summers along the Mediterranean; occasional strong, cold, dry, north-to-northwesterly wind known as the mistral; French Guiana: tropical; hot, humid; little seasonal temperature variation; Guadeloupe and Martinique: subtropical tempered by trade winds; moderately high humidity; rainy season (June to October); vulnerable to devastating cyclones (hurricanes) every eight years on average; Mayotte: tropical; marine; hot, humid, rainy season during northeastern monsoon (November to May); dry season is cooler (May to November); Reunion: tropical, but temperature moderates with elevation; cool and dry (May to November), hot and rainy (November to April). Liquid water evaporates from oceans, lakes, rivers, plants, the ground, and fallen rain. Air Masses And Their Characteristics [42] Indoor relative humidities should be kept above 30% to reduce the likelihood of the occupant's nasal passages drying out, especially in winter. At this point, the storm has typically weakened, but it can still cause damage. Some places experience extreme humidity during their rainy seasons combined with warmth giving the feel of a lukewarm sauna, such as Kolkata, Chennai and Kochi in India, and Lahore in Pakistan. The Treasure Coast is under a red flag warning, and fire and forest officials are on standby. {\displaystyle (m_{H_{2}O})} WebCoastal desert. Please select one of the following: Experimental Graphical Hazardous Weather Outlook, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. ASHRAE Standard 160 (2016). Sufferers will often hyperventilate in response, causing sensations of numbness, faintness, and loss of concentration, among others. Northern Mexico is a desert region that features hot and dry weather, although cooler months can experience temperatures that drop to freezing overnight. If the heat index is very high or the wind chill index is very low, then we must take safety measures to protect our bodies from possible effects of the weather, including heat exhaustion, sunstroke, and heat stroke in the summer, and frostbite in the winter. mostly tropical, but temperate in south. A coast means there is a large body of water nearby such as a large lake, an inland sea, or an ocean. Water evaporates into the air. Water in air i Hazardous Weather Outlook Alertness and mental capacity also may be affected, resulting in heat stroke or hyperthermia. Air Masses Under moderate humidity (Figure 5d), the value of AOD in the south of China is generally low. 2 (b)).Salt fogs are absorbed by an Aviation The annual rainfall is 1000 to over 1500 mm (39 to 59 inches). In contrast, a very low humidity level favors the build-up of static electricity, which may result in spontaneous shutdown of computers when discharges occur. Satellites that can measure water vapor have sensors that are sensitive to infrared radiation. Saint Helena: tropical marine; mild, tempered by trade winds; Ascension Island: tropical marine; mild, semi-arid; Tristan da Cunha: temperate marine; mild, tempered by trade winds (tends to be cooler than Saint Helena), tropical, tempered by constant sea breezes; little seasonal temperature variation; rainy season (May to November), tropical, moderated by northeast trade winds; dry season January to April, rainy season May to August, temperature averages 27-29 degrees Celsius all year long; low humidity, gentle trade winds, brief, intense rain showers; hurricane season stretches from July to November, cold and wet, with considerable mist and fog; spring and autumn are often windy, tropical; little seasonal temperature variation; rainy season (May to November), tropical; rainy season (November to April), dry season (May to October), Mediterranean; mild to cool winters; warm, sunny summers, tropical; hot, humid; one rainy season (October to May), harsh, dry desert with great temperature extremes, tropical; hot, humid; rainy season (May to November) has strong southeast winds; dry season (December to April) dominated by hot, dry, harmattan wind, in the north, continental climate (cold winters and hot, humid summers with well-distributed rainfall); in other parts, continental and Mediterranean climate (relatively cold winters with heavy snowfall and hot, dry summers and autumns), tropical marine; humid; cooler season during southeast monsoon (late May to September); warmer season during northwest monsoon (March to May), tropical; hot, humid; summer rainy season (May to December); winter dry season (December to April), tropical; hot, humid, rainy; two distinct monsoon seasons - northeastern monsoon (December to March) and southwestern monsoon (June to September); inter-monsoon - frequent afternoon and early evening thunderstorms, tropical marine climate, ameliorated by northeast trade winds, results in moderate temperatures; average rainfall of 150 cm/year; hurricane season stretches from July to November, Mediterranean climate on the coast, continental climate with mild to hot summers and cold winters in the plateaus and valleys to the east, tropical monsoon; few temperature and weather extremes, principally desert; northeast monsoon (December to February), moderate temperatures in north and hot in south; southwest monsoon (May to October), torrid in the north and hot in the south, irregular rainfall, hot and humid periods (tangambili) between monsoons, mostly semiarid; subtropical along east coast; sunny days, cool nights, variable, with mostly westerly winds throughout the year interspersed with periods of calm; nearly all precipitation falls as snow, hot with seasonal rainfall influenced by the annual shift of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone; rainfall heaviest in upland areas of the south and diminishes to the north, sea temperatures vary from about 10 degrees Celsius to -2 degrees Celsius; cyclonic storms travel eastward around the continent and frequently are intense because of the temperature contrast between ice and open ocean; the ocean area from about latitude 40 south to the Antarctic Circle has the strongest average winds found anywhere on Earth; in winter the ocean freezes outward to 65 degrees south latitude in the Pacific sector and 55 degrees south latitude in the Atlantic sector, lowering surface temperatures well below 0 degrees Celsius; at some coastal points intense persistent drainage winds from the interior keep the shoreline ice-free throughout the winter, temperate; clear, hot summers in interior, more moderate and cloudy along coast; cloudy, cold winters in interior, partly cloudy and cool along coast, tropical monsoon; northeast monsoon (December to March); southwest monsoon (June to October), hot and dry; arid desert; rainy season varies by region (April to November), arctic, tempered by warm North Atlantic Current; cool summers, cold winters; North Atlantic Current flows along west and north coasts of Spitsbergen, keeping water open and navigable most of the year, temperate in south with cold, cloudy winters and cool, partly cloudy summers; subarctic in north, temperate, but varies with altitude; cold, cloudy, rainy/snowy winters; cool to warm, cloudy, humid summers with occasional showers, mostly desert; hot, dry, sunny summers (June to August) and mild, rainy winters (December to February) along coast; cold weather with snow or sleet periodically in Damascus, tropical; marine; rainy season during southwest monsoon (June to August); persistent and extensive cloudiness all year, mid-latitude continental, hot summers, mild winters; semiarid to polar in Pamir Mountains, varies from tropical along coast to temperate in highlands, tropical; rainy, warm, cloudy southwest monsoon (mid-May to September); dry, cool northeast monsoon (November to mid-March); southern isthmus always hot and humid, tropical; hot, humid; distinct rainy and dry seasons, tropical; moderated by trade winds (April to November), tropical; modified by trade winds; warm season (December to May), cool season (May to December), tropical; rainy season (June to December), temperate in north with mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers; desert in south, temperate; hot, dry summers with mild, wet winters; harsher in interior, tropical; marine; moderated by trade winds; sunny and relatively dry, tropical; moderated by easterly trade winds (March to November); westerly gales and heavy rain (November to March), tropical; generally rainy with two dry seasons (December to February, June to August); semiarid in northeast, temperate continental; Mediterranean only on the southern Crimean coast; precipitation disproportionately distributed, highest in west and north, lesser in east and southeast; winters vary from cool along the Black Sea to cold farther inland; warm summers across the greater part of the country, hot in the south, temperate; moderated by prevailing southwest winds over the North Atlantic Current; more than one-half of the days are overcast. How important is tropospheric humidity for coastal Winds blow inward toward these areas. arid to semiarid; cold winters and hot summers, temperate; Mediterranean with hot, dry summers and cool winters, mild temperate; cool, cloudy, wet winters; hot, clear, dry summers; interior is cooler and wetter, arid to semiarid; mild, wet winters with hot, dry summers along coast; drier with cold winters and hot summers on high plateau; sirocco is a hot, dust/sand-laden wind especially common in summer, tropical marine, moderated by southeast trade winds; annual rainfall averages about 3 m; rainy season (November to April), dry season (May to October); little seasonal temperature variation, temperate; snowy, cold winters and warm, dry summers, semiarid in south and along coast to Luanda; north has cool, dry season (May to October) and hot, rainy season (November to April), tropical; moderated by northeast trade winds, the coldest, windiest, and driest continent on Earth; severe low temperatures vary with latitude, elevation, and distance from the ocean; East Antarctica is colder than West Antarctica because of its higher elevation; Antarctic Peninsula has the most moderate climate; higher temperatures occur in January along the coast and average slightly below freezing; summers characterized by continuous daylight, while winters bring continuous darkness; persistent high pressure over the interior brings dry, subsiding air that results in very little cloud cover, tropical maritime; little seasonal temperature variation, polar climate characterized by persistent cold and relatively narrow annual temperature range; winters characterized by continuous darkness, cold and stable weather conditions, and clear skies; summers characterized by continuous daylight, damp and foggy weather, and weak cyclones with rain or snow, mostly temperate; arid in southeast; subantarctic in southwest, highland continental, hot summers, cold winters, tropical marine; little seasonal temperature variation, tropical cyclones (hurricanes) develop off the coast of Africa near Cabo Verde and move westward into the Caribbean Sea; hurricanes can occur from May to December but are most frequent from August to November, generally arid to semiarid; temperate in south and east; tropical in north, temperate; continental, cloudy; cold winters with frequent rain and some snow in lowlands and snow in mountains; moderate summers with occasional showers, tropical marine; moderated by warm waters of Gulf Stream, arid; mild, pleasant winters; very hot, humid summers, tropical; mild winter (October to March); hot, humid summer (March to June); humid, warm rainy monsoon (June to October), cold winters, cool and moist summers; transitional between continental and maritime, temperate; mild winters, cool summers; rainy, humid, cloudy, tropical; very hot and humid; rainy season (May to November); dry season (February to May), tropical; hot, humid in south; semiarid in north, subtropical; mild, humid; gales, strong winds common in winter, varies; tropical in southern plains; cool winters and hot summers in central valleys; severe winters and cool summers in Himalayas, varies with altitude; humid and tropical to cold and semiarid, hot summers and cold winters; areas of high elevation have short, cool summers and long, severe winters; mild, rainy winters along coast, tropical marine; hot, humid, moderated by trade winds, subtropical; humid; temperatures moderated by trade winds, temperate; cold, damp winters; hot, dry summers, three climate zones including a hot tropical savanna with a short rainy season in the southern half, a tropical hot semi-arid steppe climate typical of the Sahel region in the northern half, and small area of hot desert in the very north of the country bordering the Sahara Desert, tropical monsoon; cloudy, rainy, hot, humid summers (southwest monsoon, June to September); less cloudy, scant rainfall, mild temperatures, lower humidity during winter (northeast monsoon, December to April), equatorial; high plateau with considerable altitude variation (772 m to 2,670 m above sea level); average annual temperature varies with altitude from 23 to 17 degrees Celsius but is generally moderate as the average altitude is about 1,700 m; average annual rainfall is about 150 cm; two wet seasons (February to May and September to November), and two dry seasons (June to August and December to January), temperate; warm, dry summer; precipitation meager and erratic, tropical; rainy, monsoon season (May to November); dry season (December to April); little seasonal temperature variation, varies with terrain, from tropical along coast to semiarid and hot in north, varies from temperate in south to subarctic and arctic in north, tropical marine; warm, rainy summers (May to October) and cool, relatively dry winters (November to April), tropical; hot, dry winters; mild to hot, wet summers, temperate; desert in north; Mediterranean in central region; cool and damp in south, extremely diverse; tropical in south to subarctic in north, tropical with a wet season (December to April) and dry season; heat and humidity moderated by trade winds, tropical; humid, average temperature 20-32 degrees Celsius, wet season (May to October), tropical with high humidity, moderated by the southeast trade winds for about nine months of the year, tropical along coast and eastern plains; cooler in highlands, tropical marine; rainy season (November to May), tropical; hot and humid in equatorial river basin; cooler and drier in southern highlands; cooler and wetter in eastern highlands; north of Equator - wet season (April to October), dry season (December to February); south of Equator - wet season (November to March), dry season (April to October), tropical; rainy season (March to June); dry season (June to October); persistent high temperatures and humidity; particularly enervating climate astride the Equator, tropical oceanic; moderated by trade winds; a dry season from April to November and a more humid season from December to March, tropical and subtropical; dry season (December to April); rainy season (May to November); cooler in highlands, tropical along coast, semiarid in far north; three seasons - warm and dry (November to March), hot and dry (March to May), hot and wet (June to October), Mediterranean and continental; continental climate predominant with hot summers and cold winters; mild winters, dry summers along coast, tropical; moderated by trade winds; dry season (November to April); rainy season (May to October), tropical marine climate, ameliorated by northeast trade winds, results in mild temperatures; semiarid with average rainfall of 60 cm/year, temperate; cool summers; cold, cloudy, humid winters, temperate; humid and overcast; mild, windy winters and cool summers, tropical; moderated by northeast trade winds; heavy rainfall, tropical maritime; little seasonal temperature variation; seasonal variation in rainfall, tropical along coast, becoming cooler inland at higher elevations; tropical in Amazonian jungle lowlands, desert; hot, dry summers with moderate winters, tropical; rainy season (May to October); dry season (November to April); tropical on coast; temperate in uplands, hot, dry desert strip along Red Sea coast; cooler and wetter in the central highlands (up to 61 cm of rainfall annually, heaviest June to September); semiarid in western hills and lowlands, maritime; wet, moderate winters, cool summers, tropical monsoon with wide topographic-induced variation, cold temperate; potentially subarctic in the north to temperate; mild wet winters; hot dry summers in the south, cold marine; strong westerly winds, cloudy, humid; rain occurs on more than half of days in year; average annual rainfall is 60 cm in Stanley; occasional snow all year, except in January and February, but typically does not accumulate, mild winters, cool summers; usually overcast; foggy, windy, tropical marine; only slight seasonal temperature variation, cold temperate; potentially subarctic but comparatively mild because of moderating influence of the North Atlantic Current, Baltic Sea, and more than 60,000 lakes.

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the humidity in coastal areas is usually