a charge nurse is making client care assignments

Occupational therapist (an occupational therapist assists clients who have physical challenges to use adaptive devices and strategies to help with self-care activities such as feeding). The client with cystitis is stable and has a predictable outcome. This item: Nursing Brain Sheet Multiple Patient Notebook - Nurse and CNA Report Sheet - 3 Patients per Template $1999 BadgeGuru by Tribe RN - 52 Cheat Sheets on 26 Nurse Badge Cards - Designed by Nurses, for Nurses - Essential for Nurses and Nursing Students - Bonus Access to Our Digital Resource Library - Inverted $1997 ($0. (c) Ba2+(aq)+CO32(aq)BaCO3(s);K=3.8108\mathrm{Ba}^{2+}(a q)+\mathrm{CO}_3^{2-}(a q) \longrightarrow \mathrm{BaCO}_3(s) ; K=3.8 \times 10^8Ba2+(aq)+CO32(aq)BaCO3(s);K=3.8108 2. Which pediatric client care assignment is most appropriate for the charge nurse to delegate to the LPN/LVN? 1. Which client can be assigned to the LPN? c. When asking the client how he completes his ADLs a. Shakes the soiled linen to remove any toilet paper remnants Placing a washcloth in the bathroom sink prior to cleaning. The nurse can also accept the assignment; however, that nurse should document professional concern for client safety and the process you used to inform the facility (manager) of your concerns. d. Discussing intake and output Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as an indication that the client needs further instruction? Incorrect: Aplastic anemia is a blood disorder in which the body's bone marrow doesn't make enough new blood cells. The nursing supervisor may be able to assist with client care until another nurse can come in to work. 1. Gather supplies to prepare room for isolation. Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as an indication that the client understands the instructions? The client's self-report of pain severity 7. But the client does need to be assessed prior to the client with Crohn's disease who is improving. Performing passive range of motion (ROM) on the client with right sided paralysis. Which of the following sites should the nurse plan to use to obtain the blood specimen? This documentation should go to your manager. Obtain a bedside commode for the client's use c. Washes and rinses her hands for 10 seconds, 11. c. Offer the client personal thoughts and beliefs Phone report to the receiving nurse. c. Palpating for pedal edema The last client that should be sent back for care is the client experiencing epigastric pain and nausea after eating. b. eminent Correct: The client must have lost decision-making capacity because of a condition that is not reversible or must be in a condition that is specified under state law, such as a terminal, persistent vegetative state, irreversible coma, or as specified in the Advanced Directive. Which of the following responses should the nurse make? The charge nurse might not have realized all the responsibilities of taking this team of clients. A charge nurse is planning a room assignment for a client who has a productive cough, a questionable x-ray, and a positive Mantoux test. Incorrect: A lumbar puncture involves removing cerebrospinal fluid from the subarachnoid space to diagnose specific diseases or the presence of bacteria. Focusing Point out inconsistences in the client's behavior (a nurse using confrontation helps the client become aware of inconsistencies in his feelings, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. A client who is disoriented and awaiting transfer to a long-term care facility. Incorrect: Discussing the assignment with another LPN is delaying the client's needed intervention. b. 1. Furosemide 40 mg PO q.d. The RN with 5 years' experience in the Labor and Delivery unit. Total abdominal hysterectomy, bladder suspension with A&P repair, client with breast reduction. Discarding the first urine voided by the client starting a 24 hour urine test. A nurse asks a client how he is feeling. Cleanse the wound with 0.9% sodium chloride saline irrigation before obtaining the specimen a. Client who is a diabetic experiencing diabetic neuropathy. (Select all that apply.) A nurse is preparing to move a client who is only partially able to assist up in a bed. Each state BON differs in that also some have treatment programs they administer themselves. Review the action of insulin therapy & 3. Initiate oxygen and IV lines as needed. b. Client with arthralgia who is receiving regularly scheduled pain medications and has warm compresses prescribed. Functions as the hemodialysis team leader in the provisionof chronic hemodialysis care and treatment. There are potential problems in Options #1, 2, 3, and 4 and should be questioned and corrected. Nothing life threatening. Place the pack on a sterile work surface A client on a surgical unit frequently quarrels with the staff. 2. Vital sign measurement Incorrect: Restricting visitation to two hours is not appropriate, particularly for families traveling long distances to visit a client. The nurse in a long-term care facility is making client care assignments for unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP). A client with an above the knee amputation reporting phantom pain. Incorrect: This again is assessment which is the role of the RN only. Dr. Frankenstein had seen himself as a(n) ?\underline{? The charge nurse (an RN) must determine how best to assign another RN and one licensed practical nurse/licensed vocational nurse (LPN/LVN) to provide care to a group of clients on the day shift. The client would develop severe cramping. a. Broth Vaginal delivery of fetal demise, C-section with pneumonia, 32 week gestation with lymphoma. Yes! The nurse assists the patient to the bedside commode and the client sustains an injury to the operative area. A nurse is preparing medication for a client when another client has an emergency. The crying toddler has missing front teeth, but there is no indication this was the result of the hurricane. d. I'll use each cleansing wipe twice, d. I decline this opportunity at this time (assertive because it contains an "I" statement and it is clear and firm), 52. 3. Have another nurse guard the medication preparations until the nurse returns b. The client asks the nurse, "Why do I need that? Feed a client that had a stroke 3 months ago. b. A client requesting assistance packing his belongings for discharge later today.. d. Providing information, a. 3. A client post pacemaker insertion, awaiting discharge instructions. 3. 2. Which client should be assigned to the most experienced nurse? Which of the following is a characteristic of men that the nurse should consider when beginning the nurse-client relationship? When assigning nurses to patients, the charge nurse must consider the acuity of the patient's condition, the skills of the nurse, and the availability of other staff members. 3. 2. A nurse instructs a female client about collecting a midstream urine sample. A nurse in a dialysis center is caring for a client who has a new diagnosis of end-stage kidney disease. b. Alert all off-duty personnel to stand by in case of call- in. c. Rephrase statements the client does not hear Which of the following statements should the nurse make? The nurse suggest that the family might need to respite care services. c. Face shield 2. Semi-formed stools are great news! 4. b. Inform the client of the need to avoid irritants such as carbonated beverages. This action will promote the client's self-esteem, and may reduce the quarrelsome behavior. It is an inherited form of anemia, a condition in which there aren't enough healthy red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen throughout the body. Decreased or suppressed respiration are priority. A nurse in a clinic is caring for a client who reports pain, crepitus, and a popping sound is his temporomandibular joint. Making client care assignments As the RN charge | Chegg.com Science Nursing Nursing questions and answers Making client care assignments As the RN charge nurse, you are preparing to make assignments for the oncoming shift in the medical-surgical unit. Correct: The nurse's level of fatigue must be considered especially under conditions of mandatory overtime. This referral would be appropriate. 4. b. I will bear the weight of my body on my hands Therefore, the nurse with the labor and delivery experience would be more appropriate to assign to this client. b. Wash the tablet off with alcohol and place it in a clean medicine cup D. a. b. They have found my address and are coming for my family!" Select all that apply. Schedule visiting times in two-hour increments so clients are not overwhelmed. Select all that apply. 2. Correct: If suspicious behavior occurs, it is important to keep careful, objective records. They are likely to wait for others to initiate conversation Which task would be appropriate for the nurse to assign to the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? Select all that apply This includes medication enemas. Which of the following instructions should the nurse give to the client prior to the procedure? 4. A nurse is planning care for a female client who has an indwelling urinary catheter. Which group of clients should she assign to the medical surgical nurse? 1. b. I will keep the fluorescent ceiling light on in my room at night There may be a good reason that the tray was not served. An adolescent client post appendectomy reporting pain. Correct: Assisting clients with activities of daily living are within the UAPs scope of practice. Remind the client to avoid tight fitting clothes. A nurse receives a client care assignment from the charge nurse that he believes is unfair. Give magnesium citrate 296 mL at 3 PM today. Autonomy vs shame and doubt c. There is fluid leaking around the insertion site c. Holds the soiled linen against her body while carrying it to the linen bag ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Provide the best possible nursing care by planning, organizing, and directing the nursing functions of patients in the unit. Teaching about a medication 3. Narrative interaction Elderly clients have special fluid and electrolyte issues after a fall. 5. The expected standard of care was strict bed rest), 96. Cleanse the wound with 0.9% sodium chloride saline irrigation before obtaining the specimen (nurse should remove all wound exudate and any residual antimicrobial ointment or cream to avoid altering the culture results), 56. Select all that apply c. The client's culture 3. Teaching insulin self administration to a diabetic client. Bargaining 2. The first vital sign check was performed by the nurse. The nurse voices his concern to the charge nurse. Correct: Communication is important in delegation, as is follow-up. INCORRECT: Although the vascular status of the foot will need to be assessed, there is no indication if the debridement has been completed yet. Allowing staff to vent is acceptable but the nurse manager should focus on constructive methods of adjustment to the impending mandated changes. Explain administration is demanding a decreased overtime. c. Industry vs inferiority A. Transporting a client who experienced a stroke 72 hr ago to the radiology department This is an appropriate prescription. d. Motor impairment, 84. Correct: The best first action for the nurse is to identify a problem, and follow up with the appropriate person. d. Otorhinolaryngologist, c. Irrigating a client's abdominal wound Which of the following actions should the nurse take regarding informed consent? 4. A nurse is preparing an in-service presentation for a group of newly licensed nurses about the use of restraints. a. 5. A nurse is preparing an education presentation about organ donation for a group of newly licensed nurses. Incorrect: It is out of the UAP's scope of practice to administer medication. e. The urge to move the legs when trying to sleep, 66. Therefore, the nurse with Labor and Delivery experience would be the most appropriate one to assign to care for this client who has postpartum preeclampsia. Restock pediatric patient care rooms with oral rehydration fluids using a standardized check list., The charge nurse is preparing the patient care assignments for the day shift, assigning clients to a LPN/LVN and a certified nursing assistant (CNA). A copy of select parts of the medical recording, according to facility policy, is another form of communication that will support continuity of care. When staff do not feel vested in any new process, there is a sense of underappreciation. What is the primary factor for the charge nurse to consider when delegating care? The nurse considers various ideas submitted by team members. 5. c. Inform the surgical team to cancel the client's surgery b. b. The second client that needs to be seen by the nurse is the client having weakness, a sign of hypoglycemia. Each unit functions differently, but the charge nurse's role is to make the unit run smoothly. c. Notify the nurse manager During the admission of pediatric client with a compound fracture of the right femur following a sports injury, which delegation by the charge nurse is most appropriate? Read all the current literature related to oral care on unresponsive clients. 1., 2., 4., & 5. What is the best care assignment for this client? They are more direct when discussing issues (men focus on issues and discuss them more directly and readily than women do), 20. The RN with 2 weeks' experience on the postpartum unit. Incorrect: This will take a lot of time and is best initiated from the "best practice" committee. 4. Oral surgeon Incorrect: Although this nurse is working on the postpartum unit, did you recognize the length of experience? 4., & 5. The nurse should not lecture, scold or argue with the float nurse. 3. Confrontation should occur in the presence of a charge nurse or supervisor. A nurse asks a client to share personal stories. Alcoholic Anonymous Client assignments are based on client acuity and nurses do not necessarily have the same number of clients. b. If your reasons for refusal were client safety, nurse safety, or an imperative personal commitment, document this carefully including the process you used to inform the facility (nurse manager) of your concerns. Which of the following health care professionals is responsible for obtaining informed consent from the client for the procedure? Correct: A long term care facility is considered a client's "home environment", and families are encouraged to visit often. Did you recognize ureterolithiasis as "kidney stones"? 2. 1., 2., 3., & 4. 2. c. Initiate a liquid diet for the client The below statement corresponds to a numbered sentence in the passage. Correct: Disconnecting NG tube suction is an appropriate task for the UAP. c. Discard any residual gastric contents This is a diabetic clinic. A school-aged child with a fractured femur who is in balanced suspension traction. Which of the following interventions should the nurse use to help maintain the integrity of the client's skin? Prepare a list of clients who could quickly be discharged or transferred. 3. d. Respite care is a continuation of psychological support after a family member dies. Stand directly in front of the client Place the client in a lateral position The reason for the UAP not feeding the client needs to be determined. c. Contact 1. Refuse the delegated intervention. Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as an indication the client needs further teaching? 3. 4. Therefore, this would not be the most appropriate nurse to assign to this client. The nurse asks the client, "Are you feeling anxious about the results of your colonoscopy?" c. Offering false reassurance Which task is appropriate for the nurse to delegate to the experienced nursing assistant? a. Clarification Which observation of denture care by the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) would require the nurse to intervene? Client reporting a headache and has a fruity breath. The third client would be the one needing a dressing change. Reporting laboratory findings to a member of the client's family (the only people allowed to receive info are those that the client has given permission and those that are working with the client and their case), 29. A nurse has just finished a wound irrigation for a client who requires contact precautions. Which of the following actions should the nurse perform when opening the sterile pack? 2. 2. 4. Pointing to the two glasses partially filled with water, the magician asked, "Which glass contains the least water?". Relax her abdominal muscles when she lifts an object Client diagnosed with gastroenteritis who reported 300 mL diarrhea stool x2 in the last hour. Correct: The only procedure listed that is within the LPN/LVN's practice range is changing the colostomy bag. The nurse caring for the client at the time of death requests organ donation A nurse who is on hormone replacement therapy. A medical-surgical LPN has been sent to a short-staffed pediatric unit. 3. a. B. a. Which of the following types of intervention is the nurse using to promote the development of the nurse-client relationship? d. Arrange the food groups clockwise on the client's place, b. I'll use the cleansing wipes from the front to back, 51. Collecting I & O totals for unit clients at the end of shift. Which of the following statements should the preceptor make? a. c. Explain the risks and benefits of the procedure The client is receiving IV fluids through an IV catheter inserted in the basilic vein on the right forearm. The nurse voices his concern to the charge nurse. It is quicker to administer medications intravenously in the hospital Which task should the nurse take responsibility for completing? A nurse is administering a cold therapy application to a client. 208 Which of the following actions should the nurse take to assist the client with feeding? However, it is on the "Do Not Use" list of abbreviations because it can be confused with morphine sulfate (MSO4). Incorrect: The client will need IV access for sedation during the procedure and will need the fluid for hydration since the client is NPO. Monitor client for pain while assisting with ambulation. This could cause a medical emergency. A nurse is giving a presentation about client confidentiality to a group of newly licensed nurses. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? Compartment syndrome could be developing which can impede circulation and cause nerve damage. The body needs vitamin B12 to make red blood cells. d. Use attentive listening with the client, d. Water heater temp 54.4 C (130 F) (no higher than 49 or 120) 3. Incorrect: Emergency room nurses deal with life threatening emergencies but are not specialized in the care of clients with preeclampsia. A nurse is caring for a client who is about to have a colonoscopy. Which client should the nurse assess first? Incorrect: Pernicious anemia is a decrease in red blood cells that occurs when the intestines cannot properly absorb vitamin B12. The nurse cannot assign assessment and evaluation of the nursing process to the UAP. The report should contain consequences. b. If the LPN notes any serious bleeding situations, it would need reported immediately to the RN. 1. 4. Which tasks should the charge nurse delegate to the nursing assistant? A nurse is caring for an older adult client who has a fractured hip and will require rehab care. 1. Which instruction provided by the nurse reflects effective communication regarding delegation to assistive personnel? The nurse prefers to check all vital signs on all clients. Incorrect: The nurse is responsible for evaluating a client. It is within the LPNs scope of practice to administer antibiotics. Keep a personal copy of this documentation, provide a copy to the immediate supervisor, and send a copy to the Local Unit Officer. Both of these clients are terminal. the nurse responds, "don't worry, no one will harm your family." M2.4: Making Client Care Assignments-GECC As the RN charge nurse, you are preparing to make assignments for the oncoming shift on the medical- surgical unit. d. Arguing, a. I'll apply ankle to my ankle today and tomorrow (the RICE acronym outlines how to treat an ankle sprain: rest, ice, compression, elevation), 16. 3. 3. d. Go to employee health services, b. Patient safety must remain the priority.

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a charge nurse is making client care assignments